Active Directory

Sometimes referred to as AD, Active Directory is a system used to manage user accounts and system security which uses LDAP and DNS to control user access. 

Adobe Suite

The term, Adobe Suite, is used to refer to Adobe's line of products currently offered in their Creative Cloud.  They include; After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, Animate, InDesign, Premiere, Dreamweaver, Muse, and Lightroom.  All of these programs are used to create and edit design based products like photos, videos, and websites.  For more information, visit Adobe's catalogue at the following webpage: Adobe Products


AIRA is a service that provides instant, visual access to the surrounding environment for people who are visually impaired.

AIRA as a service on campus was initially brought to UWM with the financial support of the Wisconsin Industry for the Blind and Visually Impaired and is now funded and sponsored by the UWM Accessibility Resource Center.  UWM is the first and only university in Wisconsin to provide AIRA, which is accessible for free to registered UWM users, as well as anyone from outside of UWM, on all UWM campuses and affiliated buildings.

Registered UWM users have free access to AIRA wherever they go, not just on campus.

For more information about AIRA, how to be added as a registered UWM user, or training on how to use the service, please contact Christi Craig, Assistive Technology Coordinator,

More information can be found at the vendor's website.


Bluetooth is a short-range wireless signal used to communicate between devices within an approximate 30 foot radius.  It is used most commonly between phones and other connected devices such as car stereos, speakers, headphones, and connected home devices such as the Amazon Alexa or Google Home. 

Bluetooth is most notably symbolized by a white character in the shape of a B with a blue oval around it.

Bluetooth Symbol

BP Logix

BP Logix is a workflow software used by FAA HR to create forms and workflows.  This allows departments to gather and maintain electronic data on their employees and their activities.

This product is also known as eWorkflow and Streamline.


A browser is an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web. This includes Web pages, videos and images. The word "browser" originated prior to the Web as a generic term for user interfaces that let you browse (navigate through and read) text files online. Many people will use web browsers today for access to the internet and is seen almost as a necessity in how many navigate their daily life.

Definition from:

Browser Friendly

Browser friendly refers to settings on a web browser that ensure the browser will be as compatible with UWM services like PAWS and Canvas as possible. Browser friendlies include steps like clearing the cache and changing the top language in the web browser to English-United States.


The BSN@Home option is an online program led by experienced faculty members and offered through the Milwaukee, Madison, Oshkosh, Green Bay, Stevens Point and Eau Claire campuses.
Your home campus will work with you to determine an academic plan that fits, but you will have the ability to modulate the speed at which you complete the degree.
The amount of time needed to complete your BSN degree will depend on how many credits you need and the graduation requirements of your home campus.
More information can be found on the BSN@Home website:


A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in the design, development, or operation of computer software that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

Campus ID

A Campus ID is a serial number that is given to everyone with a UWM affiliation.  Campus ID numbers consist of two sections.  The first section is nine digits and usually starts with "99".  The second section consists of two digits and is separated from the first nine by a space.  A user's Campus ID number is confidential information and is akin to a Social Security Number. A Campus ID can be located on a student's PantherCard. 

If you are having difficulty finding your Campus ID, refer to: Campus ID Finder Tool


CampusPress is built upon the functions of WordPress, an open source hosting service.  CampusPress is tailored specifically to K-12 and Higher Education. At UWM, CampusPress is used to host sites for faculty, staff and departments. 

For more information, please go to


Canvas is a digital learning environment which grants access to discussions, readings, videos, quizzes, and assignment submissions. 

Canvas can also be referred to as Instructure, although that is the company that developed the learning management system. 

For instructions on how to access the application, please navigate to: Canvas - How do I login?


An acronym for the College of Engineering and Applied Science at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.


Cediplomas are certified electric diplomas and certificates used to verify credentials earned at UWM. The diplomas are provided in partnership with CeCredentialTrust. 

For more information or to request a digital diploma, visit the following webpage: UWM Cediplomas 

Chrome OS

A lightweight operating system produced and managed by Google that is based upon the Google Chrome web-browser.  It is used primarily for lightweight applications such as writing labs, note taking, and small form factor laptops and desktops for home and office use.

Compromised Account

A compromised account is an account with login details known by one or more unauthorized individuals. At UWM, these accounts may be identified by either our UWM Information Security Office or by Microsoft.  Symptoms of compromised accounts include sending spam emails, or sending unusual volumes of emails.

Please remember, if your account is compromised, access to your personal information has been obtained - this means that if you are an employee, immediately verify your direct deposit information with our HR Payroll team ( or log into your HRS data once your account is accessible again) If you are a student, review your accounting details related to student refunds within your PAWS account once you have obtained access again to your account, or contact the Bursar's office.

Once an account has been identified as having been compromised, the password for the account will be scrambled, and the account holder will require assistance from the Help Desk to unlock the account.

Computer Name

A Computer Name is a unique identifier issued to every university owned device.

Current university computers use the following convention: (UWM or WAK)(6 digit Asset ID) (e.g. UWM001234).

Older computers may follow other conventions, such as (Department)-(Building/room)-(computer number) (e.g. CCL-BOL225-11), and (SA)-(Service Tag) (e.g. SA-1A2B3C4).

For a desktop computer, the label with the computer name is usually found on the top or side of the tower.

Deep Learning

A hype of machine learning based on artificial neural networks in which multiple layers of processing are used to extract progressively higher-level features from data. The adjective "deep" refers to the use of multiple layers in the network. Methods used can be either supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised.


Delve is a powerful search engine that looks across all of the content in your network, checks to make sure you have access to it, and then presents it to you. It is powered by the Office Graph, which uses machine learning techniques to map all of the activities taking place across email, OneDrive and SharePoint.

Navigate to for additional information.  


An acronym for Domain Name System.  DNS is how the internet converts alphanumeric names like into numeric IP addresses like so that a server can return the website associated with that IP address when that name is searched.


Electronic Waste (e-Waste) is used to refer to electronic devices that are at the end of their usefulness, or are obsolete.  A few good examples would be VCRs, CRT monitors, and old stereo equipment.  These products, while no longer useful in everyday life, are useful for their recycling/scrap potential.

University owned e-waste should be turned into Bolton Hall 225. This can be done in person or via interoffice mail. 

Email Forwarding

Email forwarding generically refers to the operation of re-sending an email message delivered to one email address to one or more different email addresses.

Email forwarding can also redirect mail going to a certain address and send it to one or more other addresses. Vice versa, email items going to several different addresses can converge via forwarding to end up in a single address in-box.

Definition copied from


Event Management Software (EMS) allows a user to efficiently schedule large-scale events, make reservations and manage resources and services within a reservation.

UWM uses ROAR to reserve classrooms and other general access meeting spaces. For more information on ROAR, click the following link ROAR.


All UWM students and staff are identified and granted access through their ePanther ID.  This is a username used to login to various UWM IT services, such as email, PAWS, Canvas, Campus Computer Labs, online library databases, campus wifi, and many others.


"eWorkflow", otherwise referred to as BP Logix,  is a workflow software currently used by FAA HR that allows UWM employees to create and complete form requests.

Forms created through this software include the Outside Activities Report and Data Access Request. 


EZCare is a web-based and mobile-optimized child care management software which provides enrollment, billing and payments, scheduling and communication functionality.

At UWM, the Children's Learning Center uses and TIES Enterprise supports this application.


File Transfer Protocol - A standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a user and server on a computer network.


GuestPass is the resident and guest access control system for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Registration is required for residents in Sandburg, Cambridge, and Riverview residence halls.  Guests may preregister by submitting the webform at  and will be able to submit a photo through the application. 

For additional information call 414-229-6123 or email

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is a discontinued web browser developed by Microsoft. Support for Internet Explorer 11 ended on June 15, 2022.

If any site you visit needs Internet Explorer, you can reload it with Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge.


A word or phrase used to search for content online, in search boxes, or to tag content. 

Knowledge Base

A collection of documents accessible by internal and external users, which describe how to use, configure or troubleshoot technical applications and devices.  Sometimes referred to as "the KB".


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol provides a single sign on where one password for a user is shared between many services, allowing the systems access to the user's credentials as needed for authentication. 

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an online education company offering thousands of video courses in software, creative, and business skills. All UWM students, faculty and staff may access the service using their UWM credentials. 

M365 Publisher

Microsoft Publisher is different from Microsoft Word in that it focuses on page layout and design rather than text composition. Publisher is used for a variety of projects such as: brochures, pamphlets, calendars, etc. Publisher functions very similar to Word but also provides templates for potential projects not available through Microsoft Word. 

For more information, please navigate to:


MATLAB is a border-line programming language, often categorized as a productivity software due to its proprietary nature.  Used by engineers and scientists, MATLAB is designed to analyze mass amounts of data, and solve systems of equations that would be difficult to do by hand.  For more information on MATLAB, visit MathWorks website, found here.

MFA Bomb

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Bombing is a popular tactic that scammers employ when trying to gain access to your account. By bombarding you with frequent MFA requests, the scammer hopes to get you to authenticate for them using a few different methods. 

Common signs that there is an MFA Bomb attempt being used against your account include:

  • Multiple of MFA requests coming one after another

  • A few MFA requests each day for an extended period of time

  • A person who calls you posing as a figure from a reputable institution and requests your MFA authentication as part of a company process

All unsolicited MFA prompts, calls, texts, and emails should always be handled carefully to ensure no one is accessing your personal information. If you have been MFA bombed, turn off your notifications to whichever authentication method you use, change your password as soon as possible, and get help at the UWM Help Desk.

If you believe you have been MFA Bombed on a UWM-affiliated account, contact the UWM Help Desk through the following webpage: Getting Help


Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365, is a collection of applications offered by Microsoft and include: Bookings, Calendar, Delve, Excel, Forms, Lists, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, People, Planner, Power Apps, Power Automate, PowerPoint, Project, SharePoint, Stream, Sway, Teams, To Do, Visio, Whiteboard, and Word. 

UWM faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students are given free access to Microsoft 365 Apps. A majority of the applications can be accessed through both a web version and software version, including editions for mobile devices. 

For more information about Microsoft 365's capabilities and features, refer to the following UWM page: About Microsoft 365

To learn how to activate your UWM Microsoft 365 license, refer to the following Knowledge Base article: Microsoft Office 365 - How To Activate your O365 License 

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a database management system (DBMS) from Microsoft that stores data in its own format based on the Access Database Engine (formerly Jet Database Engine). It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases.  

UWM students, faculty and staff have access to Microsoft Access through our university license for Microsoft Office Suite. 

To find Microsoft Access, search Access (without the Microsoft in front) in the computer search bar and it should bring the application up. 

Note: This is only available for PC and not MacOS

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is a web browser developed by Microsoft. It is the default web browser for Windows devices.

Microsoft PowerBI

Power BI is a unified, scalable Microsoft Power App used for self-service and enterprise business intelligence (BI).   It allows users to connect to, model and visualize data sets, as well as to create dashboards for themselves and their colleagues. 

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students and staff can receive a free license of this software, by requesting it via 


Morphic is a free download that works with your computer’s accessibility settings. With Morphic, you can easily access settings to zoom in on text, read short passages aloud, change the screen contrast, and more.

Morphic is installed on computers in all campus computer labs, and can be installed for free on a Mac or PC computer. To download Morphic, visit the following link: Morphic Download

For Morphic Support, click the following link: Morphic Support Webpage.

For Frequently Asked Questions in regard to Morphic, click the following link: Morphic FAQ Webpage 

Neural Network

 A neural network is a machine learning model designed to mimic the function and structure of the human brain. Neural networks are intricate networks of interconnected nodes, or neurons, that collaborate to tackle complicated problems.


A file storage and sharing service from Microsoft, available to users with an ePanther account.


Microsoft OneNote is note-taking software, developed by Microsoft. It is available as part of the Microsoft Office suite and since 2014 has been free on all platforms outside the suite. OneNote is designed for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. 



A one-time password (OTP) is an automatically generated numeric or alphanumeric string of characters that authenticates the user for a single transaction or login session.

OTP Dongle

A standard hardware token is a small device, typically in the form of a credit card or keychain fob. The simplest hardware tokens look identical to a USB flash drive and contain a small amount of storage holding a certificate or unique identifier, and are often called dongles. More complex hardware tokens incorporate LCD displays, keypads for entering passwords, biometric readers, wireless devices, and additional features to enhance security

Many hardware tokens contain an internal clock that, in combination with the device’s unique identifier, an input PIN or password, and potentially other factors, is used to generate a code, usually output to a display on the token. This code changes on a regular basis, often every 30 seconds. The infrastructure used to keep track of such tokens can predict, for a given device, what the proper output will be at any given time and can use this to authenticate the user.



An email and calendaring application included in the Microsoft Office Suite.


Panthera is the Graduate School’s online application system for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. This system will collect information about your educational background, transcripts, personal statement, letters of recommendation, writing samples, and application fees, for the purposes of applying to graduate school. It also features an application to become a teaching assistant.

Panthera does not use ePanther ids to log in. Users will need to create their own login credentials for their appropriate role. Roles include applicant, faculty, staff, and reviewer.
The Grad school will be able to reset passwords only for applicants, not for other internal roles (i.e. faculty, staff and reviewer roles).
Applicants can request a reset password email via the following link:


(Panther Access to Web Services) - Online student services application used by University students, instructors, and advisors. Otherwise known as PeopleSoft. 

Student Features:

  • Class registration
  • Grade reports
  • Graduation requirements/status
  • Online statement access
  • Check for "holds" or "to-do" items on an account
  • Change contact information, address, phone numbers, etc.
  • Check financial aid status

Instructor/Advisor Features:

  • View and/or print class rosters
  • View advisee lists
  • Enter grades and/or import grades from Canvas

Phishing Email

An email that looks official but is in reality an attempt to gain access to a user's credentials, sometimes by having the user click on a link in the email and typing in their username and password.

UWM will never ask a user to provide their credentials or other confidential information over email.


PREP is a personnel representative for a college or department at UWM. Departmental PREPs can be found here:


An abbreviation for the Peck School of the Arts


Remark is a third party software application which converts Scantron forms into usable data. 


RWI means "Relationship with Institution" and is used by the Help Desk as a way to define the current status of a UWM account holder.

Scheduling Assistant

Microsoft Scheduling Assistant is a function within Outlook email and calendar applications which helps find available times and rooms for users scheduling meetings or appointments.  

Shared mailbox

A shared mailbox is a special Office 365 email account that allows multiple people to send and receive emails from one email address.  

If someone sends an email through the shared mailbox, the email will appear to be sent from the shared mailbox, not the email address of the individual sender.


A sponsor is an active UWM full time employee and not a student, student employee or HR representative (e.g. professor, academic advisor, staff member, etc.). 

Sponsored Account

If someone has an ePanther account that has been closed after deprovisioning and still has an affiliation with UWM, they can request a sponsored account. They will need to find a sponsor who can confirm their affiliation and involvement with UWM.  

A sponsor is a non-student employee with an active account (e.g. professor, academic adviser, etc.)  

Sponsored accounts will need to be renewed after being open for a year.

Sponsored ePanther Accounts for departmental use can be requested using the Sponsored ePantherACCOUNT Request Form.

Sponsored accounts for instructors are processed through the Instructor Set Up Form. To access this form, navigate to the following webpage; Registrar Utilities for Instructors - after accessing this link, log in and click Instructor from the Other drop-down in the top menu bar.   Student requests must go through the Registrar's Office.  

SPSS Statistics

SPSS Statistics is a software package for statistical analysis. It can be run on both Windows and macOS computers.

Get SPSS for your computer

  • UWM students can obtain SPSS at no cost through the Software Shop.
  • UWM faculty and staff can also obtain SPSS through the Software Shop at a cost.

    • Home Use licenses for SPSS are for installing on personal computers.
    • University Use licenses for SPSS are for installing on University computers.

After downloading the SPSS file through the Software Shop, you can find your authorization code in a .txt document within the zip file.

Stellic Degree Audit Application

The Stellic Degree Audit Application is a student-driven, collaborative academic planning tool that employs the university's undergraduate catalog and degree requirements to assist students with schedule planning and in meeting their degree requirements. The Registrar's Office manages all facets and issues related to this function and will work with students to address any issues. For more information in regard to Stellic click here


In information systems, a tag is a keyword or term assigned to a piece of information. (such as an Internet bookmark, multimedia, database record, or computer file). This kind of metadata helps describe an item and allows it to be found again by browsing or searching.

Tags are generally chosen informally and personally by the item's creator or by its viewer, depending on the system, although they may also be chosen from a controlled vocabulary.

Tagging was popularized by websites associated with Web 2.0 and is an important feature of many Web 2.0 services. It is now also part of other database systems, desktop applications, and operating systems.

(Source: Wikipedia)

The Cloud

The definition for the cloud can seem murky, but essentially, it’s a term used to describe a global network of servers, each with a unique function. The cloud is not a physical entity, but instead is a vast network of remote servers around the globe which are hooked together and meant to operate as a single ecosystem. These servers are designed to either store and manage data, run applications, or deliver content or a service such as streaming videos, web mail, office productivity software, or social media. Instead of accessing files and data from a local or personal computer, you are accessing them online from any Internet-capable device—the information will be available anywhere you go and anytime you need it.

Businesses use four different methods to deploy cloud resources. There is a public cloud that shares resources and offers services to the public over the Internet, a private cloud that isn’t shared and offers services over a private internal network typically hosted on-premises, a hybrid cloud that shares services between public and private clouds depending on their purpose, and a community cloud that shares resources only between organizations, such as with government institutions.



U2F is an open authentication standard that enables internet users to securely access any number of online services with one single security key instantly and with no drivers or user software needed.  FIDO2 is the latest generation of the U2F protocol.

U2F was created by Google and Yubico, and support from NXP, with the vision to take strong public key crypto to the mass market. Today, the technical specifications are hosted by the open-authentication industry consortium known as the FIDO Alliance. U2F has been successfully deployed by large scale services, including Facebook, Gmail, Dropbox, GitHub,, the UK government, and many more.


An acronym for University Information Technology Services. 

UW System Flexible Option

The UW Flexible option is offered at Milwaukee, Parkside, and Madison. Students follow a session-based schedule, being allowed three months to complete each course. Students can choose either the "All You Can Learn" or the single competency options, to complete their program in the most efficient manner possible. The program is self-paced and mainly online, although some programs do require in person attendance for clinical or laboratory content. Courses are offered across all campuses enrolled in the program, so Flex students will have multiple login credentials, dependent upon the campus at which their current competency set is being offered.  


UWM Legal Contact Information

UWM Office of Legal Affairs

Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm

Telephone: 414-229-4278
Fax: 414-229-3919

For more information use the link below:


UWMWiFi is a wireless network which can be accessed by users on any UW-Milwaukee campus and who have an active ePanther Account.  To join UWMWiFi, the user must authenticate, using their UWM credentials.


VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It allows UWM community members (students, staff and faculty) to connect to the UWM network via secure, dedicated connections, virtual tunneling protocols, or traffic encryption.


RDP (Remote Desktop) and VPN (Virtual Private Network) are two different types of connections your computer can make with other devices or servers.

  • RDP creates a virtual connection to a remote computer. RDP offers additional device functionality.
  • VPN connects your device to a server primarily for internet access and security. It only manages your online traffic, not your device itself.


WEPA is the student printing solution on UW-Milwaukee campuses. This print service allows users to print on demand around campus and will accept payment via Student ID Cards (utilizing the Gold Account services), Credit/Debit Cards, or funds added directly to the user's WEPA account.  

WEPA accounts may be accessed by navigating to, choosing UW-Milwaukee from the listing of schools and then using your UWM credentials. 

A map of Kenwood campus WEPA Print Stations can be accessed via 

More information is available at


A term which references wireless network protocols based on the IEEE 802.11 family of standards, which are commonly used for local area networking of devices and Internet access, allowing nearby digital devices to exchange data by radio waves.

For more information, please see:


WISER is an improved, redesigned version of WISDM. WISER’s modern, robust enterprise platform will provide enhanced, efficient and more agile reporting.



WordPress is an open source content management system, which allows for the creation of websites and blogs.  At UWM, most websites are created through WordPress, with personal sites available to faculty and staff through an adjacent product called CampusPress.  For the purposes of functionality and support, the two terms can be used interchangably.  

For more information on the use of WordPress at UWM, please visit