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MFA Bomb

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Bombing is a popular tactic that scammers employ when trying to gain access to your account. By bombarding you with frequent MFA requests, the scammer hopes to get you to authenticate for them using a few different methods. 

Common signs that there is an MFA Bomb attempt being used against your account include:

  • Multiple of MFA requests coming one after another

  • A few MFA requests each day for an extended period of time

  • A person who calls you posing as a figure from a reputable institution and requests your MFA authentication as part of a company process

All unsolicited MFA prompts, calls, texts, and emails should always be handled carefully to ensure no one is accessing your personal information. If you have been MFA bombed, turn off your notifications to whichever authentication method you use, change your password as soon as possible, and get help at the UWM Help Desk.

If you believe you have been MFA Bombed on a UWM-affiliated account, contact the UWM Help Desk through the following webpage: Getting Help


KeywordsScam, hack, MFA, hacking, spam, scamming, scammer, mfa requests, mfa spam, mfa fatigue, prompt bomb, bombing   Doc ID120996
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2022-08-31 12:43:43Updated2023-07-13 15:28:35
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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