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GlobalProtect VPN - FAQ

The GlobalProtect VPN service is available now and will be required to use remote desktop. Please note that GlobalProtect is a product of the company PaloAlto and you may see both names used.

I've never used the remote desktop/VPN service/connected to the office before, should I install this?

If you have never connected to the office remotely, you may disregard this article. It is for staff who must remotely connect to an on-campus computer or server in order to complete their work.

How do I load the software for the VPN/Remote Desktop Service?

To install the software, click the link for your operating system below:

Windows VPN Installation Instructions

Mac VPN Installation Instructions

How do I get to the remote desktop connection once I load the software?

If you currently use Remote Desktop, you must first make sure you install the VPN service software, successfully log in, and then access the remote desktop functionality. Click below for more information:

How To Use Remote Desktop for Windows

Remote Desktop Services/RDS (How To) Access RDS Applications for Macs

I've loaded the software and cannot connect to the needed computer or server, what do I do?

Contact the UWM Help Desk at 414-229-4040 or click Getting Help Technology Resources and enter a support incident. The UWM Help Desk team will route your incident to the appropriate team for review and support.

Why did the VPN change?

Authentication with MFA was added to the remote access requirements of UW System Information Security Policies. An upgrade was required for our VPN service to comply with these requirements. To view the policies in full, click below: UW System Information Security Policies

What services are available through the new VPN?

The following services are available when using the VPN:

  • Active Directory (AD) - provides authentication and authorization for UWM systems
  • Domain Name Server (DNS) - associate names with IP addresses
  • Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, formerly known as System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) - manages Windows devices and provides self-service software installation
  • PAWS (special access) - used for elevated access to student information systems
  • uFiles - offers network file storage for departments and research groups
  • Keyserver - manages software license information
  • Software License Servers - authorizes use of specially licensed software

All other services are blocked by default to secure remote connections. Any department that wishes to request extended access for their employees will need to have a departmental OU added to the VPN, in which they will control user additions and deletions. Network Engineering will create the requested specific set of rules at the current hourly rate. Configuration times, depending on difficulty, are estimated at 5-15 hours. Please contact the Help Desk via Getting Help Technology Resources if you are interested in pursuing this option.

Where is the VPN Website for UWM?

The UWM Network Operations VPN Website houses information related to the VPN and other Network related items.

Can the VPN be installed on a personal machine?

Yes. No special permissions are required for the VPN to be installed on a personal machine and used to connect to "".

Why is MFA a requirement to connect to VPN?

 MFA has been added to VPN to secure remote access to UWM systems.

How do I connect to VPN using MFA?

You connect to the VPN as you normally would for your other devices. The only difference will be the extra step of authenticating with your preferred multi-factor authentication method. For more information on connecting to the UWM VPN, please reference the appropriate instructions linked below for your specific device.

Windows OS

Mac OS

palo alto, vpn, global protect, remote desktop, rdp, globalprotect 
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