How To Use Remote Desktop for Windows

Use these steps to connect to a computer running Windows using Remote Desktop.

For Remote Desktop access to a Mac, please see: [Link for document 46533 is unavailable at this time]

To request Remote Desktop access, click the following link and complete the form: Remote Access Request.


  • Two computers: the Remote computer, which you are connecting to, and Local computer, which you are connecting from. 

  • UWM IT must grant you permission to use Remote Desktop on the Remote Computer. Request access by clicking here: Link 

  • The Remote computer must be powered on and connected to the internet. 

  • The Local computer must be connected to the UWM VPN or physically on the UWM campus.

Remoting From A Local Computer

  1. In Windows 10: Press Windows Key to start a search, or click on the search field in the taskbar, and type "Remote Desktop" then select Remote Desktop Connection from the results.

  2. Remote Desktop window

  3. In the Computer field enter the IP address or "Full computer name" of the remote computer. If you do not know the full computer name, use the steps here: Finding the Computer Name on a University owned PC.
  4. Click Connect.
  5. In the User name field, enter your ePanther in this format: "AD\ePanther". If you have signed in previously, your username will be remembered.
  6. Log in using your ePanther and password
  7. In the Password field, enter your ePanther password normally.
  8. You may receive a prompt reading "The identity of the remote computer cannot be verified. Do you want to connect anyway?" If so, check the box labelled "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer" and click the Yes button.
    Certificate warning

Keywordsremote, desktop, access, telecommute, telecommuting, rdp, vnc, teamviewer, logmein, windows   Doc ID47192
OwnerDesktop Support L.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2015-02-13 17:53:05Updated2024-04-03 11:52:42
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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