Topics Map > PantherList
PantherList Introduction
General Information
With PantherLists, you will be able to:
- E-mail many people via one email address
- Control who is on the list.
- Control who can send to the list
You may choose to create passwords for individual PantherLists. Passwords allow users to access the advanced options for PantherList.
To send messages to a PantherList, simply send an email to '', replacing 'panther-list' with the actual name of the list.
To find advanced settings click on "Display Lists You Own" from the PantherList home page, then click on
"Advanced Options" for a specific list.
List types
- Four types of list available to users: Announcement, Subscriber Only, Subscriber Only (with open membership) and Un-moderated / Open List
- Instructors have an additional list type, Class List. To read more about Class Lists, see article [Link for document 42158 is unavailable at this time]
- List types are 'preset' settings. To read more about list types, see article PantherList - How Can I Change a List Type?
The three most common issues with PantherList are:
Logging in
- PantherList now uses Azure multi-factor authentication.
- Users should log in using their UWM credentials and multi-factor authentication method after navigating to
- If you are having difficulty 'logging in as a group', please call the UWM Help Desk.
Moderation Requests
- Moderation requests are sent to the list moderators and owners when emails sent to the list do not pass all set rules.
- Moderators can review emails by selecting 'View Moderation Requests' from the PantherList homepage.
- If approved, the email is sent through to the list.
- If disapproved, the email is deleted.
- To read more about PantherList moderation, view article PantherList (Information) List Moderation
Bounce emails
Sometimes individual list members have an invalid, or otherwise nonfunctional, email address. When this happens, the message 'bounces' back to the sender, with -bounces appended to the PantherList name.
The owner(s), member(s) and moderator(s) may also receive the bounce message, depending on list settings. To resolve this error, you will need to review your list membership and remove any list members whose email address is no longer valid.
See Also
- PantherList - Common Questions
- PantherList (Information) List Moderation
- PantherList Archives
- PantherList - How Can I Change a List Type?
- PantherList (Information) Why didn't my email go through my PantherList?
- PantherList (How To) - Change the Name of a PantherList
- PantherList - Allow Lists
- PantherList (How To) Edit PantherList Membership
- PantherList (Information) - Zip Files Blocked