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PantherList (Information) List Types

This article serves as a comprehensive list for setting up various types of PantherLists. Please note that Apple Safari is not recommended for this site.

Use of UWMs PantherList service is subject to applicable law and policies. These include the Board of Regent Acceptable Use Policy, the UW System Information Security Policy series, applicable privacy laws such as FERPA and HIPAA, and the UWM Code of Conduct. 

Unacceptable uses of Pantherlist include, but are not limited to: 

  • Use in violation of federal, state, or local laws;
  • Use in violation of UW System, UW Milwaukee, and departmental policies;
  • Activities related to outside employment, commercial activities, and other forms of personal gain; and
  • Political campaigning. 

PantherList moderators and owners must take immediate corrective action upon observing misuse of their listserv, including, as appropriate, removing membership rights, reporting misuse of University resources as required under the UWM Fiscal Misconduct Policy or any other applicable law/policy, and offering additional training on appropriate use of PantherList.

List Types

Currently, there are six list templates that UWM offers for those interested in creating a PantherList:

  • Announcement List
  • Class List
  • Subscriber Only List
  • Subscriber Only, with Open Membership List
  • Un-Moderated / Open List (previously known as reflectors)
  • Brio/Hyperion Populated Lists

The six templates should fit the needs of most UWM students, faculty, and staff. If not, they can be altered and modified to provide exactly what you need from PantherList.

Announcement List

Create an Announcement List to send one-way email messages to a targeted group of people.

  • Announcement list owners can send email to the list without moderation.
  • When non-owners attempt to send a message to the list, owners/moderators receive a notification email.
  • Only list owners can view the list membership roster.
  • Only list owners can add/remove members from the list.
  • Useful for newsletter-type email lists.
  • Only list owners/moderators/members can view archived email.
  • Archived email messages are password-protected.
  • List options can be modified after your announcement list is created.

Class List

Class lists are automatically populated from PeopleSoft with registered members of your class on a nightly basis. Activate your class listto send two-way email messages between members of a class. Currently, only class instructors are able to activate their class lists.

    • Others, such as teaching assistants and faculty, can be added to the list as exceptions.
    • Class list owners, members, and those on the exceptions list can send email to the list without moderation.
    • When others attempt to send email to the list, owners/moderators receive a notification email.
    • Only list owners can add/remove members from the list.
    • Only list owners can view the list membership roster.
    • Only list owners/moderators/members can view archived email.
      • Archived email messages are password-protected.
    • List options can be modified after your class list is created.

Subscriber-Only List

A Subscriber-Only list is created for those who want only subscribed list members to be able to send messages to the list.

  • Messages are accepted only from people who are subscribed to the list, all others must be moderation.
  • Only list owners can view the list membership roster.
  • Only owners can add/remove members from the list.
  • Only list owners/moderators/members can view archived emails.
  • Archived email messages are password-protected.
  • List options can be modified after your Subscriber-Only list is created.

Subscriber-Only List with Open Membership

Similar to the Subscriber-Only list type, but anyone can add/remove themselves to/from the list.

  • Messages are accepted only from people subscribed to the list, all others must be moderated.
  • Only list owners can view the list membership roster.
  • Members can remove themselves from the list.
  • Non-members can subscribe to the list.
  • Archived email messages are publically available.
  • List options can be modified after your Subscriber-Only list with Open Membership is created.

Un-Moderated/Open List (Previously known as reflectors)

An Un-Moderated/Open list allows for members and non-members to send messages to everyone on the list. 

  • Anyone can send messages to the list without moderation.
  • Only list owners/members can view the membership roster.
  • Members can remove themselves from the list.
  • Non-members can subscribe themselves to the list.
  • Archived email messages are not publically available.
  • List options can be modified after your Un-Moderated/Open list is created.

Brio/Hyperion Populated List

Brio/Hyperion Populated Lists are populated and synchronized from Brio/Hyperion jobs scheduled through Data Warehouse.

Brio/Hyperion Lists can be created with Announcement, Subscriber-Only, and Unmoderated/Open list configurations.

In order to create a Brio/Hyperion list, Data warehouse must create a scheduled job that creates an output file with the same name as the proposed list name. After the file is in place, the list can be craeted and the membership will be synchronized daily with the results of the Brio/Hyperion query.

The only additional options available with the Brio/Hyperion lists are the ability to add members through the exception list, and to specify addresses that will be excluded from list membership even if they are included in the query results.

If a Brio/Hyperion Populated list is created without the query in place, it will revert to being a static list with the selected configuration.

Other PantherList Articles:


Pantherlist, mailing list, announcement, subscriber, moderated, class list, email, setup, Announcement, announcement list, subscriber only list, subscriber only with open membership list, un-moderated list, un-moderated, open list 
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