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Office 365 - Outlook (How To) Remove Personal Contacts

This article will provide instructions on how to remove personal contacts from your Outlook account. This article is also useful for Teams users who may have personal or unknown contacts showing up in their Teams contact list.


Some users have reported issues where unexpected contacts have shown up in their Teams contact lists. Often these unexpected contacts are personal, non-UWM contacts. This happens when Teams pulls contacts from a user's personal Outlook contacts when synced with the same Microsoft 365 account.


Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent this automatic sync between Teams and Outlook. However, there is a workaround to help users remove these personal contacts from their Outlook contacts, and in turn they will be removed from Teams.
To Remove Outlook Contacts
  1. Login to your Microsoft 365 Account.
  2. Open the Outlook app. 
  3. Click on the People button at the bottom of the list pane to access your Outlook contacts. 
  4. Under Your Contacts in the list pane, select the contact you wish to delete. 
  • Note: You can delete multiple contacts at a time by clicking the bubbles on the left side of the contacts in your list. 
  • Click the Delete button in the toolbar at the top of your working screen. 
  • The contact is now removed from your Outlook contacts and should be removed from your Teams contact list as well. 
  • It is recommended to restart your Teams app if the contact remains. 
  • If the contact still remains please contact the UWM Helpdesk.

  • KeywordsMicrosoft, Teams, Office, 365, o365, m365, contact, contacts, phone, number, numbers, chat, chatting, remove, personal, out, work, non, related, work-related, outlook, how, to, removing, removed, add, added, additional, non-UWM, UWM,   Doc ID67957
    OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
    Created2016-10-21 15:10:09Updated2023-06-05 13:44:59
    SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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