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Teams (How to) Make an Internal Phone Call at UWM

This article will provide information on the communication features available to internal users at UWM, and instructions on how you can make an internal phone call with other users at UWM.


As a student, faculty, or staff member, you will have access to Microsoft 365 at UWM; which includes Microsoft Teams. Teams is a unified communication tool that allows users to communicate with other members of the UWM community. Specifically, students, faculty, and staff will be able to communicate with each other through Teams using the chat, phone, and video calling features. (with necessary hardware) Additionally, employees with the following classifications will have an individual phone number and voicemail associated with their Teams account, and will be able to make external calls from the Teams desktop app:

  • Academic Staff
  • University Staff
  • Limited-Term Employee (LTE)
  • Faculty


Internal call: A call that is placed from someone with a UWM account. For example, this could be an employee to another employee, employee to student, or student to student. Anyone who is able to access Teams with a UWM account is able to make an internal phone call within Teams. 

External call: A call that is placed from a UWM Employee to a non-UWM phone number, or a UWM Shared number. 

Individual number: An individual phone number refers to a direct number assigned to you as an individual and employee at UWM. This number would be the phone number someone would call to speak to you directly or to leave you a voicemail. 

Shared number: A shared phone number refers to a number that reaches a group of individuals or a department/location. For example, a phone number shared by multiple employees, the front desk for a department, reception area, or call center.


Note: Shared lines are phase 2 of the Teams Telephony Project. For more information on the migration of shared lines and to keep updated on the Teams Telephony Project please visit our Teams Project Page


To make an internal call

  • Place your cursor in the search bar at the top of the Teams working screen.
    1. Note: If you need help getting familiar with the Teams platform, check out the following Quick Guides: 
  • Type in the name or ePantherID of the user you wish to call.

Searching for UWM Users

  • From the list of suggestions click on the user you are looking for. 
  • This will bring up the user in the content pane. 

UWM User Video, Call, and Share Screen Buttons

  • Click the phone icon in the top right corner of your screen. 
  • This will call the user. 


For more information on Teams calling features please see the article Teams (How to) Calls


For more information on Microsoft Licensing and Teams Telephony please see the article Microsoft 365 - Microsoft 365 services based on Affiliation


teams, how, to, calls, call, internal, Make, phone, without, number, calling, m365, o365, microsoft, 365, office, calling, esternal, uwm, external, individual, shared, communicate, communication, unified, team, 
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