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Canvas External Tools - About McGraw-Hill Education

This article provides information on usage, support, and licensing of McGraw-Hill Education at UWM.

What is McGraw-Hill Education?

McGraw-Hill Education provides a number of tools which integrate into Canvas. These tools allow instructors to integrate textbooks, learning modules and activities into their Canvas course. Many tools allow instructors to automatically or manually sync grades to the Canvasa Gradebook. To use MHE tools in Canvas, instructors must request for the tool to be activated. Students should contact their instructors or refer to their syllabus for information on what MHE tools are used for their course, and any associated costs.

McGraw-Hill Campus Single Sign-On (Connect, ALEKS, Connect Math, SIMNet)

McGraw-Hill Connect and SIMNet Deep Linking (Grade Passback)

Deep Linking McGraw-Hill Connect or SIMNet assignments in a Canvas course allows for full grade passback between McGraw-Hill Connect and SIMNet and the Canvas gradebook. Deploying Connect or SIMNet assignments to the associated Canvas course creates individual assignments and grade columns that populate with student grades after they have completed assignments in a Connect or SIMNet course.

What McGraw-Hill Education tools are available in Canvas?

  • McGraw-Hill Campus Single Sign-On - a gateway to McGraw-Hill Education's textbook and learning platforms. All materials are accessed from MHE"s platform, not from your courses modules and assignments.
    • Connect textbooks (no direct links to the Canvas course home, Modules
    • ALEKS
    • Connect Math
    • SIMNet
  • McGraw-Hill Deep Linking - direct linking to MHE-hosted learning objects, activities are listed in Assignments with outcomes synced to the courses Gradebook.
    • Connect
    • SIMNet
  • McGraw-Hill Integration - direct linking to McGraw-Hill learning objects, activities are listed in Modules with outcomes synced to the courses Gradebook. Instructors can enable this tool from the Navigation tab of the Settings page on their Canvas course site.
    • Go 

Canvas - External Tools - Request for a Tool to be Added to My Course

    Where can students and instructors go for support with McGraw-Hill Education?

    What should I do if I have an Accessibility concern?

     Visit this link if you need help with an accessibility issue.

    What are the alternatives to McGraw-Hill Education?

    MHE is widely used at UWM however, there are more cost efficient alternatives. OERs can offer up a more cheap option to help give students access to textbooks. For information on OERs at UWM please visit the OER UWM Guide.

    For additional help with OERs please visit the CETL Website.

    mhe mcgraw hill mh mgh mhcampus campus connect aleks simnet create support help phone about 
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