Zoom Video Conferencing - How to Secure your Zoom Meeting

The below information is best practice for holding a secure Zoom meeting.

For an in-depth look at securing Zoom meetings, see this document from Zoom: Best Practices for Securing Your Zoom Meetings

To avoid disruption from unwanted guests in Zoom meetings, we recommend a few simple ways to help secure and control your meeting room.

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Appoint a Co-Host


co-host (Links to an external site.)has the same abilities as a meeting host, including the ability to block and remove participants. This can help you to avoid interruptions, especially in large meetings or presentations. Be sure the moderator is familiar with procedures (Links to an external site.) for removing disruptive participants and for locking the room to prevent their return.


Your co-host should be watchful for guests who are using their video camera and microphones. Moderators should scroll down the list of video users as the meeting is in progress so they are aware of any disruptive activity. 


Meeting Passwords


When you schedule a Zoom meeting, you will be required by default to set a meeting password. If you wish to remove the meeting password, you are required to enable the Waiting Room instead (see below).

For private meetings, setting a strong password is a recommended way to limit unwanted guests. This is especially recommended for any meetings where sensitive information may be discussed, but is generally a good practice.

While scheduling a meeting, under Meeting Options, check Require Meeting Password, then create a strong password. Participants will be asked for this password in order to join your meeting.

Disable "Join Before Host"

If you are scheduling a meeting where sensitive information will be discussed, we recommend leaving Enable join before host (found in the Meeting Options section while scheduling a meeting) turned OFF. See Zoom's Join Before Host help page (Links to an external site.) for more information. This is the default setting for UNL accounts.

This feature can be convenient for allowing others to begin the meeting if you are not available to start it, or if you would like participants to be able to start early. However, with this option enabled unwelcome users will be able to connect and cannot be easily moderated. With this disabled, users will be presented with a "waiting for meeting to start" message when attempting to join early.

We recommend assigning an Alternative Host (Links to an external site.) if you may not be able to start the meeting yourself.

Enable the Waiting Room Feature

The Waiting Room lets the host control when each participant joins the meeting. As the meeting host, you can admit attendees one by one, or hold all attendees in the waiting room and admit them all at once. This requires more work by the host, but only allows participants to join if you specifically admit them. See Zoom's Waiting Room help page (Links to an external site.) for more information.

If you are creating a meeting with no meeting password, the Waiting Room feature must be turned on.

Meeting Security When Scheduling Zoom Meetings Using Your Outlook Calendar

Many users add Zoom meetings to their calendar or create Zoom meetings using the Zoom Outlook Plug-in. Note that the calendar entry may include the Zoom meeting password embedded in the meeting link.


If you have set up your calendar so that it is open for colleagues to view the details of your meetings, this can expose the password to anyone who views your calendar. We recommend making the calendar entry private or editing the entry to remove the Zoom meeting password.


Remove a Participant from a Zoom Meeting or Webinar


If you have already begun a session and find an unwanted attendee has joined:


  1. If the Participants panel is not visible, select Manage Participants at the bottom of the Zoom window.
  2. Next to the person you want to remove, select More.
  3. From the list that appears, select Remove.


Lock Your Session


The Zoom Host Controls (Links to an external site.) allow the host or co-host to lock the meeting. Once all your attendees have joined:


  1. If the Participants panel is not visible, select Manage Participants at the bottom of the Zoom window.
  2. At the bottom of the Participants panel, select More.
  3. From the list that appears, select Lock Meeting.


Unlock the meeting following these same steps.


When a meeting is locked, no one can join, and hosts will NOT be alerted if anyone tries to join. It's best not to lock the meeting until everyone has joined. Use this feature carefully.


It is important to consider the security implications of the Zoom meetings that you set up. It is important to properly secure your meeting if there is any discussion of high-level data. In addition, if it is a video meeting it is important to secure the recording if there are minors involved and/or non-University of Wisconsin participants.


Another important consideration is to make sure that we are properly accounting for the participants in our meeting. If, despite these precautions, someone shows up in your meeting that you don't know, you should take it seriously, it is possible that these incidents may constitute a phishing attempt to obtain confidential information or access to University services. 

Publishing Zoom Meeting Details Online

It is recommended that Zoom meeting information be kept private unless otherwise required or requested by the meeting organizer. If meeting information is going to be published online, it is strongly recommended that the 'Waiting Room' feature is enabled for the meeting and that a moderator is selected before the meeting begins, to both admit people into the meeting, and to manage any disruptions that may occur. Some meetings may need to be publicly accessible to meet state guidelines. See the following link on 'Open Meetings' for more information: https://uwm.edu/secu/open-meetings/

Keywordszoom zoom bombing zoombombing meeting crashers unwanted individuals in zoom meeting secure zoom   Doc ID99578
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2020-03-26 11:42:55Updated2023-02-02 15:18:39
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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