Set Acrobat DC to open PDFs by default (Windows 10)

Use these instructions to switch the default application that opens PDF files to Acrobat DC

  1. In the Start Menu search bar, type "Default apps"

  2. In the search result, choose Default apps (System Settings)

    1. Click on Default Apps

  3. The Default apps window opens. Scroll down and click Set defaults by app

    1. Set default by apps

  4. Click on Adobe Acrobat DC and then click on the Manage button
    1. Click on Adobe Acrobat DC and then Manage

  5. Next to the .pdf file type, if Adobe Acrobat DC is not selected (e.g. if Microsoft Edge is selected) click the name of the select application.

      Click on Edge
  6. In the Choose an app window, click on Adobe Acrobat DC.

    1. Choose an app, click Acrobat DC

  7. If prompted, click Switch anyway.

    1. Switch anyway

  8. Finished! .PDF files will now open using Acrobat DC by default.

Keywordsacrobat, edge, pdf, adobe, default   Doc ID93117
OwnerDesktop Support L.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2019-07-15 09:50:27Updated2023-06-05 13:45:02
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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