Topics Map > Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 (Apple Calendar) - Change Calendar Colors

This document explains how to change calendar colors in Apple iCal (Mac OS 10.5-7) or Calendar (Mac OS 10.8-9).

Change Calendar Colors

There are millions of color possibilities one can assign to calendars in iCal/Calendar. iCal/Calendar will not use the color "as is"--it will slightly dim the color for all events except the currently-selected events to help with selection visibility. iCal/Calendar provides several ways to modify calendar colors.

  1. Click on the Calendars button at the top-left of the main iCal/Calendar display.

    Calendars button

  2. Scroll to, or click on, the calendar you want to modify.
  3. Do one of these three things:
    • Control-Click on the calendar name and from the pop-up menu select Get Info.
    • From the Edit menu select Get-Info.
    • Type Cmd-I.

      Get Info

  4. On the drop-down display the color setting is immediately to the right of the Name: field. There are six default colors and you can select one of these or click on the Other option to use the standard MacOSX Color selection display to select another option.

    Calendar Colors selection screen

  5. Close the Color selection display when done as it will not close automatically.

calendaring calendars oracle events appointments agenda tasks apple macosx ical 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 mountain lion snow leopard mavericks office 365 o365 m365 
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