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Office 365 (Apple iCal/Calendar) - Create a Task/Reminder
This document explains how to create a task/reminder in Apple iCal (Mac OS 10.5-7) or Calendar (Mac OS 10.8-10).
Create a Task/Reminder
In iCal/Calendar a task is called a Reminder and they are associated with configured calendars. When reminders are displayed, the main iCal/Calendar window shows them in a column headed by Reminders to the right side of the events. To show/hide the Reminders display, from the menubar select View -> Show/Hide Reminders. You can select as well how reminders are sorted and whether to show Completed reminders from the same View menu. Selecting a reminder, then clicking the right button on a two-button mouse (or CTRL-click with a single button mouse) will provide yet more options for a reminder.
iCal/Calendar also provides something called a Reminder List which you can use to organize different areas of your life (work, home, school, and so on) or for every task you are working on. (Reminder Lists are available in Mac OS X version 10.7.2 or later.) Note especially that when you configure an iCal/Calendar CalDAV account for Office 365, a set of Reminder Lists are created for each calendar discovered during the account set up process.
Any Reminder Lists you create appear in the Reminders pop-up menu. In the Reminders pop-up menu, you can select to show or hide individual Reminder Lists. You activate the pop-up menu by showing Reminders. Note the small downward-facing triangle to the right of the Reminders heading--click on it to view the Reminder Lists you have created and to select which are viewed or hidden.
There are several ways you can create a reminder:
Mac OS 10.5-7 and Mac OS 10.8
- From the menubar select File -> New Reminder and enter the desired information in the Title field.
- On your keyboard press CMD-K and enter the desired information in the Title field.
- Double-click on the new reminder (or press CMD-I) to open the Info window for the reminder and modify as appropriate. Note especially the List option, using which you can specify which Reminder List the reminder belongs too. Here is where you assign a reminder to a WiscCal calendar if you so wish.
Mac OS 10.9 and 10.10
On Mac OS 10.9 and 10.10 there is an application called Reminders meant to create and manage both lists and reminders. To create a reminder:
- Open Apple Reminders by opening the Applications folder on the dock and selecting Reminders.
- From the left-hand column of the Reminders window, make sure that the account for which you would like to create a reminder is selected. Office 365 reminder lists show up as "Tasks".
- With the desired account highlighted in the left-hand column, create a new reminder by clicking on an open line in the notepad in the right-hand column. Alternatively, click the plus sign icon in the top right of the notepad. A text cursor will appear at the next available line from the top of the list. Type your reminder here. It will be saved automatically.
- When a reminder/task is complete, click the box next to it to remove it from your list of current reminders/tasks and add it to your list of completed reminders/tasks.
Note: Left-clicking on the
icon to the right of a task allows you to modify the task's name and set time/location. Right-clicking allows you to Mark as Completed, Show Info, Delete, Cut, Copy, Paste, Move to list or Set Priority