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Microsoft 365 (iOS 7) - Modify an Event

The following document explains how to modify an event using the iOS Calendar app (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch).

  1. To modify an event, tap on it in the iPhone Calendar display.

  2. Tap on the Edit button of the Event Details display

    Edit button

  3. On the Edit display modify the event's details.

    Edit screen

  4. Tap on the red Done button when your changes are complete.

  5. Note: the red 'done' button will only appear if changes have been made.

  6. If the event is part of a recurring event, you will get a confirmation display asking whether you want your change to apply to only one or all future events of the recurring events.

    recurring event modification confirmation

  7. On the iPhone Calendar display if you Touch-and-Hold an event two small drag-handles appear (the round circles at the beginning and end of the event block) which you can Tap-and-Drag to modify the event begin and/or end time. The far left column of the time grid will show in black, bold text the time at which the drag handle is located as you drag it.

    microsoft office365 apple ios devices iphones ipads ipod touch calendars modifying editing change changing events meetings date time location recurrence 7 o365 ios7 phone m365 
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