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Topics Map > Microsoft 365 > Calendar
Microsoft 365 (iOS 7) - Modify an Event
The following document explains how to modify an event using the iOS Calendar app (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch).
- To modify an event, tap on it in the iPhone Calendar display.
- Tap on the Edit button of the Event Details display
- On the Edit display modify the event's details.
- Tap on the red Done button when your changes are complete.
- Note: the red 'done' button will only appear if changes have been made.
- If the event is part of a recurring event, you will get a confirmation display asking whether you want your change to apply to only one or all future events of the recurring events.
- On the iPhone Calendar display if you Touch-and-Hold an event two small drag-handles appear (the round circles at the beginning and end of the event block) which you can Tap-and-Drag to modify the event begin and/or end time. The far left column of the time grid will show in black, bold text the time at which the drag handle is located as you drag it.