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Password (Troubleshooting) - Resolving persistent login Keychain prompts following a password change

Steps to resolve macOS login issues with Keychain after changing your password.

After changing your password, you may receive a prompt that states "The system was unable to unlock your login keychain" following login:

The system was unable to unlock uyour login keychain macOS prompt.

Click Create New Keychain Password button at this prompt. If you do not receive this prompt or are receiving persistent prompts to enter your login or admin Keychain password, use the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Click Finder
  2. While holding the option key, select Go > Library
  3. Locate the Keychains folder
  4. Delete the Keychains folder
  5. Restart your computer

A new login keychain will be automatically created on your next login and the persistent prompts from Keychain should disappear.

Keychain, macOS, OSX, password, reset, Mac, epanther 
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