2022-2023 New Student Information - Alcohol-Wise and Cannabis-Wise Info
College students commonly experience stress, anxiety, other difficult emotions and social pressures at times. Healthy, sustainable coping strategies that promote resilience for navigating life’s challenges are essential. This program can help you clarify personal choices around substance use, identify risks of substance use to emotional, cognitive and physical well-being, recognize and respond to unsafe situations, and learn about campus resources for support.
Alcohol Wise and Cannabis Wise are separate courses and each has a Part 1 and Part 2. It takes about 45 minutes to complete Part 1 for each course. You may log into the courses as many times as needed to finish and do not have to complete them in one sitting. The deadline for completing Part 1 of both courses has been extended to Wednesday, September 21, 2022. You must earn a score of 70 or higher to receive credit. Thirty days after completing Part 1, you will receive an email prompting you to complete Part 2, which typically takes 15-20 minutes for each course.
To begin, go to https://www.3rdmil.com/UWMLogin and follow the prompts to enter your ePanther ID and password. You can use this link to return to the program any time.
Questions and Support
For questions about this requirement, contact aodresources@uwm.edu. For technical support, contact help@3rdmil.com or 888-810-7990.