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Revision 6: M365 Teams [Information] Meeting Roles and Responsibilities

This article links to an article from Microsoft that explains the various roles and responsibilities/capabilities in Teams meetings.

Roles and Responsibilities in Teams Meetings

Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate roles and responsibilities in Microsoft Teams meetings. Refer to the following article for guidance regarding the various roles of Organizer, Presenter, and Attendee, and their responsibilities in Teams meetings: Roles in Microsoft Teams Meetings


KeywordsMicrosoft, Teams, team, meeting, meetings, meet, recording, recordings, record, organizer, attendee, attendees, producer, presenter, present, desktop, window, windows, powerpoint, share, content, start, stop, mute, participant, participants, lobby, admit, people, role, roles, change, responsibility, change, capability, capabilities, ability, abilities,   Doc ID70274
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2017-01-30 10:22:12Updated2023-07-17 10:00:18
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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