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SSC Campus (User Guide) Athletics Travel Letters - Part 2

What do I do now? Well, good question. The answer is rather simple; you won't need to do anything until just before the start date of the activity. For instance, in the example below, my student athletes will be going on Summer Travel. So my travel letter will ask the professors to excuse my student athletes starting on 5/9 at 12:00 PM and ending on 5/13 at 11:45 AM

At the time you create your travel letter, SSC Campus will look for existing events (e.g. student appointments, courses and assignments) to determine what your students will miss. It is important to note that SSC Campus will NOT look for scheduled events again until you manually run Refresh known Conflicts. In other words, your list of appointments, courses and assignments students will be missing for their travel will only be as current as your last known refresh.

For instance, in the example above when I created this travel letter on 5/8/2016 for my student athletes and clicked save, SSC Campus recorded the courses, appointments and assignments that students will miss during the Summer Travel. Please keep in mind, SSC Campus will only record those courses, appointments and assignments that were in SSC Campus at the time I created the travel letter, the Refresh known Conflicts should be used to add those missed events to the travel letter.

A Best Practice would be to run the Refresh known Conflict on the day that you want to send the E-mails or print the letters for professors. This will ensure that SSC Campus includes any new appointments, courses and assignments that have been added to the student's schedule since the creation of the travel letter.

Other things that you can do while on the student tab include Send Message to Student and Print Student Conflicts. You can also choose to view Conflict Details if you would rather see what a student will miss onscreen.

Both the Conflict Details and Print Student Conflicts will show the user the same information, but different ways. The Conflict Details link will give the user a quick view of events the student will miss during the scheduled events while the Print Student Conflicts link gives the user the ability to send those missed events to the printer.

You can now also create course absences for those courses that will be missed by your students. While this is not a required step, it is recommended for those institutions who are taking classroom attendance. Simply select which students you wish to mark absent, click the Create Absences button and let SSC Campus do the rest. This process can take some time depending on the number of students and courses being missed. To see the end result of this process, click the Absences tab and SSC Campus will display for you each missed course for each student.

Keywordsssc, campus, students, tab, travel, letter, creation, details   Doc ID59509
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2016-01-08 16:25:31Updated2023-07-13 15:38:58
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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