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SSC Campus (Reports) Navigation

Each report is structured in a similar format--at the top, user scan filter the analysis by several different drop down choices, the data is populated in a visual chart in the middle, and the bottom of the page includes the table of data.

Understanding the Data: One of the biggest advantages to the online reports is the ability to provide web-style help text, by allowing users to identify and expand help tips by hovering over the words of the report.

The help text is available in several different areas of the reports and will explain the definition and/or source for the data. To expand help text, simply hover over any word or phrase with blue hashed underline.

In addition, each data bar within the Chart section of the report will provide additional explanation by hovering over the Chart section. For detailed definitions of each data point, please refer to the Glossary section of this guide.

Keywordsssc, campus, reports, navigation, data, understanding,   Doc ID56965
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2015-10-01 13:00:07Updated2023-07-13 15:39:18
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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