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SSC Campus (User Guide) Professors Tab

The user has many of the same options available on the Student Tab, with the exception that this tab focuses on corresponding with professors. Use this tab to notify your professors informed of students who will be missing courses.

Important Note:As previously suggested, it is imperative that before you print or send Travel Letters to your professors that you run Refresh Known Conflicts.

After the Refresh Known Conflicts has been run, you are now ready to correspond with your professors to let them know which students are going to miss their classes. Options available to you on this tab are:

Send Travel Letters: This will send a travel letter E-mail, along with a list of the professor's classes and students that will be missed during the travel letter's time period. In other words, everything a professor will need to know to excuse your students during the event.

Print Travel Letters: This will display a report, that you may send directly to the printer. Use this for a hard-copy that you can hand to your professors if E-mail is not your desired way of correspondence.

Send Message: Want to send an E-mail to your professor(s), this method is for you. This option will let you send a custom E-mail to your selected professors.

Keywordsssc, campus, professors, tab, explanation, send, print, travel letters   Doc ID55344
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2015-08-18 13:24:42Updated2023-07-13 15:38:57
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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