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SSC Campus (Case Management) Setting Appointment Availability and Constraints

You will need to define the times you will be available to meet with students. It is important to note that locations and services are created by Application Administrators. If you have questions about any locations or services set, please contact your Dedicated Consultant.

The next step is to define the times you will be available to meet with students. It is important to note that locations and services are created by Application Administrators. If you have questions about any locations or services set, please contact your Dedicated Consultant.

Add Time

1. Click the Add Time button in the Actions Menu.
2. Select the days and times when you are available to meet with students.

3. Select whether you will meet with students via Appointments or Drop-ins during that time. You can also choose the Campaigns option to only allow students that have been invited through an "Appointment Campaign" to schedule with you during the time that you've set aside for them.
  • How Many: refers to the number of students that you allow to meet with you during any given session. You must put a number in here to save your availability.
  • Limit to 1 course per slot: checking this box means that your sessions are limited to one course per session even if you have multiple students signing up to meet with you. Leaving the box unchecked will allow students to schedule, or sign in, for more than one type of course at a time. For example, Student A could sign up to receive help with English 101 while Student B signs up for the same to receive help with Chemistry 101.
4. Choose the location where you will be available.

5. Select the courses in which you are able to provide tutoring on to students.

6. Select which student services you can provide to students during this availability.
  • Note: You may not have services available for your location. However, if you leave this field empty when there are services to choose from based on your location then you will appear to be available for all student services.
7. Add any additional details that students would need to know when scheduling an appointment with you.
  • Note: anything listed in the Details section will pull through on appointment notification emails that students receive once the appointment has been scheduled.
8. Click the Save button.

Note: Repeat this process until all of your availabilities have been defined. You can have as many availabilities as needed.

There are two other options when adding Times Available.

Copy Time

To copy a time, select the time you would like to copy and then click the Copy Time button. The availabilities will be copied and a dialog will open allowing you to make edits or to save your newly created availability.

Delete Time

To delete a time, simply select the time and click the Delete Time button.  Note: Inactive availabilities are highlighted in red in the Times Available grid.

Appointment Constraints

From the Tutor Home page, click on the Tutor Settings tab. To define parameters that control your availability with appointments, first click the Edit Appointments Constraints option. When clicked, these options are available for you to define:

Hours in Advance
Refers to how many hours, from the current time, a student must wait before they can schedule an appointment. For instance in the example above, if the current time is 10:00 a.m., the earliest a student would be able to schedule an appointment with you would be 10:00 a.m., the following day. This setting only applies to students making appointments.

Default Appointment
Length is the default length of this specific advisor's appointment. This can be overridden by users with the appointment create permission, except by students, during appointment creation.

Requiring available times for Students
Means that advisors must have defined Times Available (see section below) before a student can create an appointment with them. If this box is not checked, students are able to schedule with that advisor at any time and day. this box is checked by default. We recommend that advisors use this default during setup.

Click the Update Constraints button to save your changes. Then, to hide the "Student Appointment Constraints" settings box you can simply click on the Hide Constraints link.

Keywordsssc, ssc campus, mapworks, case, management, appointment, availability, and, constraints, tutorial,   Doc ID53580
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2015-07-02 11:50:57Updated2023-07-13 15:38:57
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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