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M365 Outlook Web App (Information) Calendar Overview

After your Inbox, the calendar is probably where you'll spend the most time when using the web version of Outlook. You can view your calendar four different ways: Day, Work week, Week, and Month. Your calendar lets you create and track appointments and meetings. You can create multiple calendars, link to other people's calendars, and even share your calendar with other people in your organization.


Open an event in a separate window

Creating calendar items

Create an appointment

Create a meeting

View event details:

You can click any event in your calendar to see a quick view of that event.

An event that you create will show you as the creator and have a link to edit or delete the event.

A meeting that you've been invited to will show the organizer and include links to respond to the invitation. If the organizer has included an online meeting invitation, you'll see a link to join the meeting.



Week view:

Week view is the default view when you first visit your calendar in Outlook on the Web. You can change that to Day, Work week, or Month by using the options in the upper corner.

  1. Create a new event by clicking New. An event can be an appointment, a meeting, or an all-day event.
  2. Use the calendars to navigate from one date to another. Shading indicates the week you're currently viewing, and darker shading marks the current date. You can use the calendar icon at the top to collapse or expand this side of the calendar view.
  3. You can view more than one calendar at a time. This section lets you create other calendars, such as a calendar just for a specific project or to track personal appointments. You can also add other people's calendars and select which to display. If you select multiple calendars to display, they'll be merged into a single view with each calendar given a different color.
  4. This is another area that you can use to navigate from one day to another. Click any date to jump to that date. Or click the arrows on either end to see the dates before or after those displayed.
  5. The main window, where calendars will be displayed. Double-click any white space in this window to create a new calendar item. Or, click and drag to create a new item in the time you've selected.
  6. Select the view you want, and share or print your calendar.



Day view:

The day view is most useful if you have a very busy schedule, or if you want to view multiple schedules side by side. The controls remain the same, only the view has changed.



Month view:

The month view can be very crowded. To make it more usable, there's an agenda displayed for the selected day:

  1. Shading shows the current date.
  2. Slightly lighter shading shows the selected month.
  3. The agenda for the selected day. You can create a new item on the current date by double-clicking the white space in the agenda.
  4. Shaded item is an all-day event.



Open an event in a separate window:

By default, you read and create events on an overlay on the main calendar page, but that isn't always what you need. Sometimes you need to be able to view an event in a separate window.

You can pop any event out into a new window by clicking the pop-out icon in the upper corner of the message.



Creating calendar items:

To open a new calendar item in any view, you can click New or double-click any white space in the calendar.

In the day, work week, and week view, you can click or drag to select a block of time.

Alternately, you can type the subject directly onto the calendar.

Double-click the new item to open it and add other details.



Create an appointment:

Click New or double-click the calendar to open a new calendar item form.

  1. Enter a short description of the event.
  2. Add a location if you want.
  3. Select the starting date and time.
  4. Select the duration. Select All day for an all-day event. All-day events appear at the top of the calendar.
  5. Use Show as to choose how you want the time to appear on your calendar.
  6. Change or turn off the reminder.
  7. If you have write access/permissions to more than one calendar, choose to which calendar to save.
  8. Set a repeating pattern if you want this event to repeat.
  9. Mark it as Private if you don't want anyone with whom you've shared your calendar to see the details.
  10. Use the Notes area to add any other information you want.
  11. Click Save to save your changes or Discard to cancel.



Create a meeting:

A meeting is a calendar event that you send to other people. You create a meeting the same way you do an appointment, but you invite attendees and may add a resource such as a conference room/equipment.

After you've selected New, you follow most of the same steps. To turn a calendar item into an invitation, start by entering the names of people you want to invite in the Attendees field.

  1. You can type names directly in the Attendees field to add them.
    If more than one result is returned, select either or This will ensure that the right person receives the invitation. If you cannot select the correct user, use the campus directory search to find the appropriate email address to select from.
    Note: If you use the + (Add Attendees) button, the results of your search will be presented in a different format.
  2. Enter a location, or select Add Room to see a list of available conference rooms from your organization's address book. Select Scheduling Assistant to show the calendars of attendees. You can also add or remove attendees and automatically schedule resources such as conference rooms.
  3. To see the availability of attendees and conference rooms, select Scheduling Assistant. When you're done, click OK, to save your changes, or Discard, to cancel. Either will take you back to the event form where you can make any other changes you want before sending. For more information, see [Link for document 89852 is unavailable at this time]
  4. If online meetings are enabled for your account, you can add an online meeting link by selecting Online meeting.
  5. By default, Request responses is turned on, but you can turn it off if you don't want to know who has accepted or declined the invitation. If you leave request responses on, you'll receive a message as each attendee accepts or declines your invitation.
  6. Click Send to save your changes and send the invitation to the attendees or Discard to cancel.

microsoft office o365 web user outlook web app help calendaring overview create edit modify delete calendars meetings appointments events access permissions views share sharing owa attendees response respond add remove 
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