Topics Map > Zoom

ZOOM - Update the App (How To)

This article will give direction on how to update the Zoom Workplace application

To update your Zoom application please follow the steps below

  1. Go to the bottom left of your monitor screen to the search bar and type in Zoom Workplace.


  2. If you have the Zoom Workplace app installed, you should see it appear.

  3. Click on the app name.

    a. The app may update on its own at this point but will still need to have the following steps completed.

    b. Login to the app and at the top right of your screen you should see your initials

  4. Click on your initials and a drop down should appear.

    Select check for updates 

  5. You may receive a popup after asking you to install

  6. Please click install and allow the app to update. The app may log you out to complete the installation of the updated version.

  7. A window will pop up showing your update has been completed

    Note: If you are unable to login due to an update being needed please uninstall and then reinstall Zoom Workplace


zoom update, app update, zoom error, zoom latest version, update required 
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