UWM Faculty/Staff and Student Technology Recommendations

This article gives users direction on where to ask questions and find answers on the proper technology for individual needs.


Finding the Right Technology


  • To make a commodity, project or personal purchase please click here.


  • For Windows Device, Apple Device or Internet recommendations click here
  • Recommendations Based on Major - Depending on your intended major, your school/college may have specific technology recommendations that do not align with the ones outlined on the uwm.edu/tech-rec website. Talk to your advisor about possible technology recommendations for your specific course load. 


Keywordsrecommend, tech recommendation, what type of computer do I use for class, compatibility for canvas, compatibility comp, TechStore Tech Store   Doc ID137600
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2024-05-30 12:03:22Updated2024-07-24 11:53:24
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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