Remote Help on MacOS

This article goes over the process of allowing a technician to use Remote Help on a MacOS device.

MacOS Client

Currently there is no MacOS client, but one is supposedly coming around April 22nd, 2024. Access for Mac support is read-only and done through a browser.

Request help

Follow these instructions to receive help, be prepared to enter the security code that you get from the individual who is assisting you.

As a sharer, when you've requested help and both you and the helper are ready to start:

  1. Navigate to on your browser and sign in to authenticate to your organization.
  2. After signing in, get the 8-digit security code from the individual assisting you and enter the code. Then select Share screen.

Follow the rest of the steps outlined in Request help to be in a connected session.


Provide help

Follow the process described in this section to give help:

  1. Navigate to on your browser and sign in to authenticate to your organization.
  2. The helper has to sign in, copy and then share the 8-digit security code with the person they are trying to help.

Remote Help displays a warning if the sharer's device isn't enrolled in Microsoft Intune. This warning doesn't block access but provides transparency about the risk of using sensitive data like administrative credentials during the session.

Follow the steps provided in the section Provide help to be in a connected session.



Additional information from Microsoft about Remote Help.

Use Remote Help to assist users authenticated by your organization. | Microsoft Learn

KeywordsRemote Help, Remote Support, desktop support, MacOS   Doc ID136625
OwnerKeith E.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2024-04-05 14:25:05Updated2024-04-12 08:44:01
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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