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PAWS - Student Consent Release - Granting Access through PAWS

This article is in relation to granting access through PAWS.

Students have the ability to allow third parties to request information from campus representatives about academic records (including grades and enrollment), financial information, academic and non-academic misconduct, university housing, and more.

  1. Under Personal Information, click Student Information Release.

  2. Click Student Consent Release.

  3. Complete the Electronic Signature Consent (this is a one-time process, and won’t need to be completed again)

  4. If a previous release has been entered, click the Add a New Release link to add an additional release.

  5. Enter the following information in Duration of Release:

    • Effective Date (defaults to current date)

    • Expiration Date

      • Enter the date you no longer want the information to be made available

      • Leave blank for an undefined amount of time.

      • You may return at a later time and expire the release.

  6. Enter the following information in “Person to whom access to education records may be provided”:

    • Company/Name

      • If releasing information to a company, enter company name here.

      • If releasing information to a person, enter person’s name here.

    • First/Last Name

      • If releasing information to a company, enter person’s name at company here, if known.

      • Enter address, phone number, and email, if known.

    • Enter the relationship to you in the Relationship to Student drop-down.

    • Select the Information to be released from Academic Information, Financial Information, and/or Other Information

  7. Select an option from Purpose of Release.

  8. Click Save.

Keywordsstudent, consent, release, grant, granting, access   Doc ID102993
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2020-06-11 13:53:43Updated2023-07-17 08:29:36
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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