COMPLETED - ROAR Upgrade Starting Wednesday, June 14th
Posted: 2017-06-13 14:39:30 Expiration: 2017-06-19 22:00:00
The ROAR (Room Optimization Assignments & Reservations) upgrade process is now complete.
On Wednesday, June 14, 2017 the ROAR (Room Optimization Assignments & Reservations) upgrade will begin. Over the next several days, users may experience intermittent disruptions while working in ROAR. If users experience any disruption, please ask them to try again a little later in the day. If after several attempts users continue to experience disruption and the room request needs immediate attention (i.e. the event is this week), please have these users e-mail for further assistance.
Update - The ROAR upgrade has been completed as of Thursday, June 15th. This news item will expire on Monday, June 19th.
-- UW-Milwaukee Help Desk: Aamir Qazi