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Qualtrics - Create Your User Account

UWM now has self-provisioning of Qualtrics accounts for the campus community. Faculty, staff and students are now able to create their own accounts on the UWM Qualtrics page as shown below.

If you've never used Qualtrics, but need an account to complete work for your classes or your job at UWM, you'll need to create one.

To create your Qualtrics account:

  • Navigate to
  • Click "Sign In" to log in with your UWM credentials (UWM email address and password) and multi-factor authentication method.

Qualtrics Home page

  • Follow all on screen instructions and the Qualtrics system will create an account for you.

To access Qualtrics in the future, you will navigate to the Qualtrics website and use your UWM credentials and multi-factor authentication method to access the application.

For help, contact the UWM Help Desk via phone at 414-229-4040, Toll Free at 877-381-3459 or via the online UWM Help Desk Support Request form

Qualtrics, qualtrics, survey, qualtrix, surveys, account, account request, account creation, new account 
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