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Teams (How To) Create a Team Site or Communication Site from SharePoint Landing Page

This article provides instructions on how to create a Team or Communication site from the SharePoint Landing Page.


1. Login to Microsoft 365 and click the tile for SharePoint.

SharePoint Tile

2. In the top left of your working screen, click + Create site.

Create Site

3. From the options, select Team site or Communication site.

Team Site or Communication Site

  • Use a Communication site to broadcast information out to a broad audience. With a Communication site, typically only a small set of members contribute content that is consumed by a much larger audience. If you want to collaborate with other members of your team or with others on a specific project, a Team site is the better choice. With a Team site, typically all or most members can contribute content to the site and the information is limited to only the members of the team or project and specific stakeholders.

  • Files on Team sites can be shared via a sharing link with external (non-UWM) users. Files on Communication sites can only be shared with UWM Office 365 users and not external users.

4. Give your site a name. This will search the directory automatically to see if the site name, group alias, and site address are available. 

Name Team Site

5. Give your site a description, and adjust the settings for data sensitivity, privacy, and site language. When you are done, click Next

6. Enter the name or email address of any additional owners and members you would like to give access to your site. When you are done, click Finish.

Add Members and Owners

7. Your site is now created. 

Team Site Example

Note: To create a Microsoft Team from a Sharepoint site please use this link and follow the provided directions.Create a Microsoft team from Sharepoint 


KeywordsMicrosoft, Office, 365, o365, m365, sharepoint, teams, share, point, team, site, group, landing, home, page, how, to, instructions, team site, create a team site, share point, creating a share point site, communication site   Doc ID76637
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2017-09-18 15:45:19Updated2024-05-22 05:51:35
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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