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SSC Campus (User Guide) Practice Exercises

Practice Exercises for Exploring Key Areas of the SSC Campus Platform

Add Availability: As a new user, the first thing you need to do is set up availability in SSC---Campus so that students can schedule appointments to see you. Typically, you offer time for scheduled advising appointments from 10:30am to 12:30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on Monday. You also offer drop-in hours from 2:00pm to 5:00pm on Wednesday and Thursday.

  • From the "Advisor Home Page", navigate to the "My Availability" tab.
  • Click on Edit Appointment Constraints and make it so that students need to sign up for appointments at least 6 hours in advance. Set your default appointment length to 30 minutes. Don't forget to save these settings by clicking Update Constraints.
  • Click on Add Time and add the availability as mentioned above. Specify the location where you will offer these hours (e.g. Academic Success center, CLAS Advising Center) and specify that you want this availability to stay on your calendar for just the current semester. Make sure to use the last field at the bottom of the windows to add all student services that you want to offer, so students can sign up for specific services.

Edit Availability:Example: Your manager has just asked you to provide another 3 hours of drop-in availability in the afternoon on Tuesday.

  • Click Edit beside your existing availability for drop-in advising and revise it to include Tuesday.

Copy Availability: You want to offer another hour for scheduled appointments from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on Friday.

  • Since it is very similar, select your Monday availability and click Copy Time. Switch the day to Friday.

Delete Availability: A meeting for the Student Support Committee you sit on has just moved to 3:00pm on Mondays and student demand is typically pretty low on Mondays anyway.

  • Select your Monday availability and click Delete Time to remove it.

Setting Up Availability for a Campaign: You've just launched a campaign and want to make sure there is dedicated time for targeted students to make appointments with you.

  • Add two hours of campaign availability whenever you want. The campaign will only run for the next month, so limit the duration to one month from today.

Searching for Students

Simple Search: Simple search enables you to generate a list of users that match some basic criteria: Keywords (e.g. name, email, ID number), Type (e.g. student, tutor, professor), Enrollment Status, and Enrollment Term.

  • Navigate to the search homepage using the fly-out menu on the left side of the screen. The search icon is a magnifying glass.
  • First, use the drop down menus to find all students named Sam that were enrolled in Spring 2016. For this search, you would enter Sam as your Keyword, Students as your Type, Enrolled as your Enrollment Status, and Spring 2016 as your Enrollment Term, and check the box nest to My Students Only.

Advanced Search: Allows you to search on multiple filters that build upon one another.

  • Navigate to the search homepage once again. To the right of Simple Search, click the button Show Advanced Filters.
  • Search for students that meet the following criteria (Hint: click the down arrows on the right hand side to expand filters and insert your criteria):
    • Cumulative GPA between 1.0 and 2.0
    • Classification of Sophomore

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