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SSC Campus (User Guide) How to Create a New User

New users can be created via data import or by accessing the Create a New User screen.

Login Information - This information is used by the user to access SSC Campus. Most of this information should already be in your institution's student information system software so we recommend using that while creating a new user.

Contact Information - This is where you enter your basic user information such as Home Phone, Cell Phone and select Text permissions and privacy protection. A work phone number field is available for users such as advisors that will be used to make/receive calls through the SSC Campus Conversation features.

Profile Picture - SSC Campus allows each user a profile picture. The image must be in a JPEG format and will be re-sized automatically to fit on the user's profile page.

Student is at Risk - This field indicates this student is at-risk to leave your institution. Checking this box will put a flag on this student so they can be viewed, and reported on, as an at-risk student. Typically only advisors should check this box.

  • Classification: Consider this field similar to the grade level for the student at your institution.
  • Overall GPA: This field represents the cumulative GPA for the student.
  • Term GPA: This field represents the term GPA for the student.
  • Study Hall Required: These fields are used to indicate how many hours, and minutes, of study hall a student is required to complete on a weekly basis.
  • Race
  • Gender

User Status

  • Allow user to log into SSC Campus: Checking this box will enable the user to access SSC Campus. If this is a new user, they will receive an email notification with login instructions.
  • User is Active: Indicates this is a current user and will appear in all reporting and searches. If this box is unchecked, the user will not show in all reporting and searches.

Roles (User Role) - The User Role will define what type of user they will be along with what permissions they will inherit. Users can belong to multiple Roles if necessary. For example, a student can belong to both the Student and Tutor roles at the same time. They will inherit the permissions from both user roles.

Additional Permissions - These options are used to provide additional permissions to a specific user beyond the access they inherit from their user role. For example, you can give a specific advisor Super User Access without giving all advisors this kind of access.

Keywordsssc, campus, users, create, new, login, contact, profile, information, status, roles, permission   Doc ID64284
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2016-06-21 08:26:43Updated2023-07-13 15:38:58
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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