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SSC Campus (User Guide) Home Page Navigation

 Currently, the SSC advising platform and Institution Reports are separate applications.

To Access Institution Reports in SSC Foundation:

To access the Institution Reports, log into your institution’s SSC advising platform and click the link in the upper right hand corner to View Institution Reports. The link will open the Institution Reports home page in a separate tab of your internet browser. The timeout period, meaning the amount of time you can idle in the Institution Reports before being automatically logged out, is the same as the SSC advising platform–60 minutes.

To Access Institution Reports in SSC Campus:

To access the Institution Reports, log into your institution’s SSC Campus advising platform and click the three lines in the upper left hand corner to view the fly-out navigation bar. Click Institution Reports and the Institution Reports home page will open in a separate tab of your internet browser. The timeout period, meaning the amount of time you can idle in the Institution Reports before being automatically logged out, is the same as the SSC advising platform–60 minutes.

  • Choosing a Report: Once logged into the Institution Reports, you will be directed to the homepage where you can select different reports to view within three main categories (currently Graduation Rates, Courses, and Major Switching). Throughout the application, you can easily navigate to different reports by clicking within the fly-out navigation bar to the left.
  • Refine Your Analysis: To narrow the population of students in the reports, select the drop down box on the top left and choose the college or major of interest. In addition, users can refine the historical time frame for the analysis by choosing the appropriate terms in the drop downs to the right. By default, the report will pull for all majors at the institution between the largest set of historical data available from your institution.
  • Understanding Configuration Options: Hover over the More... text on the upper right to display the configurations set by your institution.

      Keywordsssc, campus, home, page, navigation, configuration, analysis, access, foundation   Doc ID59521
      OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
      Created2016-01-08 16:34:50Updated2023-07-13 15:38:58
      SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
      Feedback  0   0