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SSC Campus (User Guide) Alert Reasons

Alerts are available through SSC Campus when a professor sees cause for alarm in a student's progress in their course.

When enabled, professors are required to provide a reason why they marked a student at-risk. These reasons are customizable and can be configured here. 

  • Name: Will be seen by Admins and professors when marking a student as at-risk. It should be as specific as necessary to convey the appropriate meaning. 
  • Alert Reason is Active: When checked, this reason will be selectable by professors when marking a student as at-risk. 
  • Show This Reason When Issuing Alerts: This option, if checked, will be available to users as they use the Issue an Alert feature. 
  • Show This Reason when Creating Progress Reports: If checked, this reason will be available to users as they create a progress report for a student. 
  • Alert Reason will Automatically Create a Case: Alerts can optionally automatically create an at-risk Case for those students marked as at-risk. When this option is checked, users can also choose from a host of auto-assign options. 
  • Auto Assign Case to Student’s Advisor: Checking this option means that any student assigned this alert will have its case assigned to the student’s assigned advisor(s). 
  • Auto Assign Case to Student’s Coach: Checking this option means that any student assigned this alert will have its case assigned to the student’s assigned coach(s). 
  • Auto Assign Case to These Users: Or a specific advisor can be assigned to handle all of these specific types of alerts. For example, I would like advisor Taj Alexander to be assigned to all students marked with the “Financial Problems” alert

case, case management, advisor, report, advising, reporting, appointment, case, cases, alerts, alert, student, students, SSC Campus, student success collaborative campus, SSCC 
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