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SSC Campus (User Guide) Student Profile - Success Progress
Clicking on the notification number will take the user to the Success Progress page, where they will see details about the notifications. These are based on the time-frame (credit accumulation) by which students must complete the course and the recommended grade threshold that students should achieve.
Users can learn more about success marker details by clicking any requirement that is blue. They can also look at completed, current, or upcoming notifications by selecting the appropriate button.
The Student Progress section also shows the student’s GPA trend and credit accumulation, two factors used by the predictive model to determine student risk level. Users can view GPA term by term, at the institution, or overall (e.g. the combination of cumulative and transfer GPA). If your institution does not provide term and institution GPA, you will only see cumulative GPA. Likewise,users can view credit accumulation by term or cumulative credits accumulated, further broken out by credits attempted and credits completed when applicable.