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PAWS - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This article contains frequently asked questions about PAWS

Q: Why can't I log into PAWS?

  • Your account is not activated.
  • You've been been accepted to the University but never enrolled in classes.
  • Password issue.
  • Browser issue.

Q:  Why can't I add a class that dropped previously in the same semester?

A:  You will need to speak to the Registrar's Office at (414) 229-3800, Registrar's Office Contact Page, or in Mellencamp 274.

Q:  Why won't a permission number work?

A:  Permission numbers are valid for one use only (even if an error occurs). Contact the instructor for another permission number, if possible.  If the instructor is not available, speak to the Registrar's Office at (414) 229-3800.

Q:  When will I know if I am granted a spot in the class when putting myself on a class wait list?

A:  Students on wait lists will automatically be processed week nights on a "first come, first served" basis. Being on the wait list does not guarantee a spot in the course. 

Q:  Why can't I change my address?

A: You will need to speak to the Registrar's Office (414) 229-3800. A faculty member will need to speak to the Payroll Office at (414) 229-5804. If you are attempting to change your address to somewhere outside of the United States, you must contact the Center for International Education's office (414) 229-4846 to complete the change.

Q:  Why does my information still show in the UWM White Pages after restricting it in PAWS?

A:  Restricting contact information in PAWS will only hide your home address and phone number. All public information can be restricted by filling out a Student Record Data Change Form in Registrar's Office Information Center (Mellencamp Hall 274). More information can be found in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) page "Your Rights as a Student" (

Q:  When will a class appear in my class list after I sign up?

A:  Systems sync at 2:00 a.m. nightly, so if you have signed up for a class through PAWS, it will appear in your Canvas class list after 2:00 a.m. the next morning.  

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