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Canvas / LinkedIn Learning - How to add materials to Canvas Modules and Assignments

This article describes how to insert a LinkedIn Learning course or video lesson into Canvas as a Module item, or as an Assignment.

LinkedIn Learning (formerly has thousands of educational videos on topics ranging from using different technologies to building business and professional skills. 

You can browse the LinkedIn Learning video library when you login and find videos that are useful for your course. 

LinkedIn Learning content can be added to your Canvas course or otherwise shared to make linking to courses and videos easier. Use the instructions below and visit the LinkedIn Learning help page about sharing for more info.

Sharing Links to LinkedIn Learning Courses

Option 1: Add a link to the course in Canvas. Copy the link to the course directly from your browser. You can then add a hyperlink onto a page in your Canvas course or include it as a link in a module.

Option 2: Share on social media. Click on the "Share" icon (the right-facing arrow at the top of the video) and select which social media platform you want to share on.

If sharing on LinkedIn, you can add it to your feed send links directly to anyone in your LinkedIn network who has LinkedIn Learning (including students, if they have connected their LinkedIn accounts to LinkedIn Learning.)

linked in, linkedin, canvas, embed video, share video, course video, external tool, lms, learning module, video, training, professional development 
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