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Canvas - HIPAA in the Digital Learning Environment

This article describes how HIPAA is implemented in the UWM Digital Learning Environment. The article lists the tools which are suitable for HIPAA, and it also describes the process UWM employees and affiliates should use to notify Digital Learning Environment service administrators (Canvas, Kaltura, Zoom, etc.) of the need to protect HIPAA data. Lastly, it describes how to report HIPAA concerns.

About HIPAA at UWM

HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is federal legislation that, among other things, describes people's rights to their medical data, and defines how that data should be handled.

Select offices at UWM deal with personal healthcare information directly, while others do not. Some UWM digital learning services support the storage of HIPAA data based on business case need.

For more information about HIPAA at UWM, refer to the UWM Office of Legal Affairs website.

Requesting HIPAA data protection

Requests should be made before using a DLE service. If a UWM business unit requires HIPAA data management in a digital learning tool, submit a DLE HIPAA Report. The administrative team for the applicable services will make the necessary changes so data is protected. 

DLE tools configured for HIPAA data management


Zoom has published a statement on how Zoom is managed to address HIPAA concerns. A Business Associate Agreement is in-place between UW System and Zoom. schools/colleges, departments, or individuals must report whether controls are needed.

What to do if HIPAA data is uploaded to an unprotected service

  1. Carry out school/college or departmental reporting procedures.
  2. Contact stating that information needs to be removed regarding HIPAA but do not share the details of the case. 
  3. The appropriate DLE administrator will be in-touch. The administrator will coordinate the removal of the tool and communication between business units.
  4. You will be notified when the data is removed to complete any reporting procedures.

For additional support

Keywordsreport hipaa reporting access group records management digital learning dle canvas zoom kaltura   Doc ID113201
OwnerDavid D.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2021-08-20 15:55:53Updated2023-05-24 06:33:48
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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