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PAWS (How To) Export Class Rosters from Faculty Center

The tool that used to provide this information was built on a now decommissioned server. We are currently looking for better, more efficient ways to securely provide this information. In the meantime, the Class Rosters dashboard in OBIEE does have email addresses which can easily be exported. Departments can obtain their own lists via the dashboard.

Using the Class Roster Dashboard

  1. Login to OBIEE.
  2. On the UWBI Landing Page, click on the UW Milwaukee logo.
  3. In the Student Enrollment Dashboards section, click on the blue link and select Class Roster from the pop-up menu.
  4. Select the desired fields from the prompts and click the Continue buttonon the upper-right-hand corner of the page.
  • If you need to change the fields, make your adjustments in the prompts and select Apply to see the new results.
  • Once the class roster is generated, click the Export button and select your preferred file type.
  • If you require access to OBIEE, please see OBIEE - UWM Oracle BI Project - Training, Support and Access

    Keywordsrequest, requesting, OBIEE, Oracle, Business, Intelligence, access, dashboard, student, data, faculty, center, class, roster, rosters   Doc ID105665
    OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
    Created2020-09-08 09:25:44Updated2023-07-13 15:39:19
    SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
    Feedback  0   0