ePanther Account - Forgotten Password/Password Reset

This article provides information for getting back into your UWM account in the event of a forgotten password, as well as information on how to reset your password.


Note: For a list of password requirements, see the article: Password Complexity Requirements.

In order to directly reset your password, you can navigate to https://passwordreset.microsoftonline.com/ in a web browser and proceed to step 2

Otherwise, attempt to access a site that requires Microsoft authentication, which will prompt for a password.

Note: If you are using a laptop and reset your password while off campus then you would have to log into the laptop with your old password, connect to the VPN, lock your device and sign in with your new password. This should allow you to login with your new password going forward.If you are unable to remember your old password you will need to come to campus to connect to the network via ethernet (a cable plugged into the data jack in the wall and then into the laptop) so that your laptop can recognize the new password. 

Other Password Reset Methods

1. Click on the Forgot my password link below the password textbox. 

Forgot Password

2. This will bring you to the Get back into your account tool. Enter your email in the text box titled Email or Username. Then enter the characters from the picture in the text box below the image. You also have the option to click the audio button and enter the words in the audio. When you have entered the characters or words, click Next
Get back into your account

3. Next you will choose a verification method. The verification options to choose from are dependent on which methods you set up for your primary and backup authentication methods during account setup. Select which option you would like to authenticate with and follow the on screen instructions to complete verification for that method. 
Choose contact method for verification

4. Complete the verification for the method you chose in the previous step and click Next. Only one verification method is required, however you may add additional methods to your account later.
complete verification

5. On the next screen, enter your new password (see the Password Complexity Requirements article for password requirements) and confirm the new password in the text boxes. When you are done click Finish
Enter new password

6. You will see notification that your password has been changed successfully. To login using your new password, click the Click here link. Then enter your UWM email address and new password to login. Please note, the system may take up to 20 minutes to register your new password for use. 
Password has been reset

Keywordspassword reset, reset. epanther, account, password, pw, change, forgot, forgotten, reset, expiring, Microsoft, MFA, multi, factor, multi-factor, password, epanther, panther, email, pass, word, multifactor, authenticate, authentication, azure, sspr, sign, on, in, log, login, forgot, forgotten, forget, account, uwm, back, get, getting, forgetting, MS password, microsoft password change   Doc ID42105
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2014-07-22 16:13:19Updated2024-06-21 09:21:33
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