Microsoft MFA (How to) Remove an Authentication Method

This article will provide instructions on how to delete an authentication method (second factor) from your account.

Log in to Microsoft 365 and click on your Person Icon in the top right corner of your working screen and then choose View account from the drop-down menu.

Person icon - View account

Click the UPDATE INFO link on the Security info tab. 

Security info - Update Info

Click Delete next to the method you would like to remove.

Delete a sign-in method

You will be asked if you are sure that you would like to delete this method. Click Ok to confirm.

Are you sure you would like to delete this method prompt

Your method will now be deleted from your Security info, and you will receive a brief notification in the top right corner of your working screen.

Method deleted confirmation message

If you are done making changes to your Security info, click on your person icon in the top right corner of your working screen and Sign out.

My account - Sign out

When asked which account you want to sign out of, select your account.

Confirm sign out

After you are signed out, close your browser.

Microsoft, MFA, 365, M365, Azure, how, to, remove, delete, removing, deleting, use, student, students, faculty, staff, emerit, annuatiants, flex, program, authentication, authenticate, second, factor, 2fa, 2, two, 2factor, before, phone, number, #, new, additional, extra, method, app, users, current, currently, methods, enroll, enrolling, enrolled, enrolls, account, security, info, update, information, old, app, code, application, multifactor, office, multi-factor, 
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