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SSC Campus (Reports) Reports Glossary

 Following is a description of each type of report available through SSC Campus.

All Reports

 Data Field  Definition
 College or Major Dropdown Selection Displays all students who ever declared the selected college or major within the historical timeframe (includes primary majors, secondary majors, etc.)
 Term Dropdown Selection Displays all students who first enrolled at the university from the first term selected, through the second term selected. Enrollment is determined by the minimum term record for the student in the data provided to EAB.
 Transfer Student Determined by the transfer student indicator in the date provided to the EAV; this definition may differ based on the institution.
 Transient Student Determined by the configuration set by each institution based on each student's total earned credits in the first year.


Grad Rate by Student Attribute

 Data Field
 1st Term Attempted Credits at Institution  The total number of credits attempted within the student's first countable term (i.e., summer, fall, or spring) at this institution.
 1st Term Earned Credits at Institution  The total number of credits earned within the student's first countable term (i.e., summer, fall, or spring) at this institution.
 1st Year Attempted Credits at Institution  The total number of credits attempted within the student's first 365 days at this institution.
 1st Year Earned Credits at Institution  The total number of credits earned within the student's first 365 days at the institution.
 1st Term GPA  The student's cumulative overall GPA after their first countable term (i.e., summer, fall, or spring) at this institution.
 1st Year GPA  The student's cumulative overall GPA 365 days after they first enrolled at this institution.
 2nd Year GPA  The student's cumulative overall GPA 730 days after they first enrolled at this institution.
 Transfer Status  Determined by the transfer student indicator in the data provided to EAB; this definition may differ based on the institution.
 # of Students  Total number of students with the selected attribute.
 Dropdown Selection - Major
  • With this Major: Rate of students who graduated with this major
  • Different Major, Same College: Rate of students who graduated with a different major, but in the same college.
  • Different Major, Different College: Rate of students who graduated with a different major, in a different college.
 Dropdown Selection - College
  • With a Major in this College: Rate of students who graduated with at least one major in this college.
  • No Majors in this College: Rate of students who graduated without any majors in this college.
 Dropdown Selection - All Majors or Undeclared
  • Any First Declared Major: Rate of students who graduated with any of their first declared majors.
  • Any First Declared College: Rate of students who graduated with any of their first declared colleges.
  • No First Declared Majors or Colleges: Rate of students who graduated, but not with any of their first declared majors or colleges.
 Total  Grad rate of all students in the selected analysis.
 Inst. Total  Total percent of students who graduated from this institution.
 Diff from Institution  Difference between the Total and Institution Total


Course Analysis

 Data Field Definition
 Avg Course Grade  Mean of the grades received in the course, determined on a 4-point scale where A = 4.0, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, etc.
 Avg Lifetime Earned Credits When Attempted  Mean of the lifetime earned credits (External Credits + Lifetime Earned Credits at Inst) when the course was attempted by students.
 Grad Rate Percent of students who graduated from the selected major(s). Time to degree (4-year versus 6-year) is not considered.
 % of D/F Percent of course attempts that resulted in D or F grades.
 % of W Percent of course attempts that resulted in W grades.
 # of Attempts  Total number of course attempts for students who ever declared the selected major(s) and attempted the course. If a student attempted the course multiple times, include all attempts.
 Predictive Course Rank Suggested importance of a course in predicting students' graduation success. Rank is determined by comparing the grad rate and grade distribution in the course between graduates and non-graduates.
 Predictive Cutoff Grade Suggested minimum grade that students should earn in order to successfully graduate.


Grad Rate by Grade Earned or Credit Range

 Data Field
Grade Earned  Final grade earned in a course. Default is whole letter grades only, including A, B, C, D, F, and W.
Credit Range  Range of the lifetime earned credits (External Credits + Lifetime Earned Credits at Inst) when the course was attempted by students.
Grad Rate  Percent of students who graduated from the selected major(s). Time to degree (4-year versus 6-year) is not considered.
# of Attempts  Total number of course attempts for students who ever declared the selected major(s) and attempted the course. If a student attempted the course multiple times, include all attempts.