Chromebook - UWMVisitor Setup and Connect

This tutorial will provide you with the steps on how to successfully set up your Chromebook on UWMVisitor wifi.

How to Set up a Chromebook to connect to the "UWMVisitor" Option

NOTE: To complete the setup process and connect, you must be in a building with UWM WiFi. Visit the Student Union, Golda Meir Library and other select UWM buildings.

1. Click on the wireless icon in the lower right hand of the computer.

Step 1

2. From the corresponding menu that appears after clicking the wireless icon, click the Wireless Network option.


3. Select UWMVisitor from the list of WiFi connections.

Name Graphic

4. Make the following changes to the corresponding dialogue box (see graphic below text):

(A) Select PEAP for EAP method

(B) Select MSCHAPv2 for Phase 2 authentication.

(C) Select Do not check for Server CA certificate.

(D) Make sure None installed is selected for User certificate.

(E) Enter nothing in the Identity field.

(F) Enter panthers25 in the Password field.

(G) Leave Anonymous Identity blank. Make sure Save identity and password is checked.

DO NOT check "Share this network with other users."

5. After you have entered all the information in Step 4, Click Connect and your device should be connected to the UWMVistor WiFi option!


If you are unable to connect to the UWMVisitor after following these steps, please contact the UWM Help Desk: 

Help Desk Webpage: Getting Help

Phone: 1-414-229-4040
Toll Free Number: 1-877-381-3459
Email Address:

Wifi, wi-fi, wifi setup, how to set up a chromebook on wifi, how to connect chromebook, chromebook wifi, visitor, Windows 7, password wifi 
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