Purchasing Card Administrator Statement and Support Document Storage Procedure Guide

This user guide will allow you to: 1. Access the online storage area for Purchasing Card Statements, Receipts and Invoices for employees for whom you are the auditor. 2. Add New Users to this online storage area. 3. Deactivate Users from the online storage area.

This guide was designed to coordinate with the "Purchasing Card Holder Statement and Support Document Storage Procedure Guide". Please be sure to review and understand this guide.

Before you start: 

Be familiar with SharePoint. The UWM Purchasing Card Records site is a SharePoint site. SharePoint has many special features and functions, which are helpful for users to know. For more information on SharePoint, as well as guides and training options, please visit:

Accessing the online storage area: 

All P Card records are stored online on the "UWM Purchasing Card Records" site.

The website is organized in the following way: 

  1. Division – On the left, you will see a list of all of the divisions 
  2. Department – Once the division is selected, you will see every department in that division (for smaller divisions, you may not see a list of departments)
  3. Name – Once a department is selected, you will see every name in that department for whom you are auditor. 

*Note: Users will see only their own names, and will not have access to anything other than their personal folders. 

Auditing and Modifying Files: 

When you are ready to audit your user's P Card Statement, visit the UWM Purchasing Cards Records site and drill down into each of your user's files.

You will be able to: Open user's files, Rename user's files, Delete or Modify user's files.

Helpful tips: 

  1. Add the UWM Purchasing Card Records site as a SharePoint 'favorite' for easy access by clicking the star in the upper right corner of the site. 
  2. Use SharePoint options to open your user's files in Adobe instead of within a SharePoint browser. This will allow you more flexibility if you are completing your audit at this time. 
  3. The naming convention for user files is as follows: 

Statements should be named: Last Name_Statement Date_Statement.pdf 

Example: Steinberg_05312018_Statement.pdf 

Support documents (Invoices, Receipts, Etc) should be named: Last Name_Statement Date_Support.pdf 

Example: Steinberg_05312018_Support.pdf 

Adding a New P Card User: 

You are responsible for adding new P Card users in your division to the UWM Purchasing Card Records site. To add a new P Card User, In the UWM Purchasing Card Records site, navigate to the desired Division and Department. Once in the desired department, you will see a list of folders for all employees in that department. 

  1. Add a new folder with the new users name. The naming convention is as follows: Last Name First Name Last 4 Digits of Card  Example: STEINBERG WENDI 2222 
  2. Give your new user access to this folder through SharePoint sharing options:
    1. Right click on the new folder and choose Share.
    2. Click the button at the top of the box that says "People in your organization with the link can edit".
    3. In the next box, choose "Specific people" and ensure that the box is checked for "Allow editing". Click Apply.
    4. You will be back in the first box. Enter the name of the P Card holder in the "Enter a name or email address" box.
    5. Type in a custom message in the "Add a message" box and click Send.
    6. To complete this process, right click the folder name and choose "Details".
    7. In the pane that opens on the right, click "Manage access".
    8. In the pane that appears, click the down arrow for "Everyone except external users".
    9. From the menu, choose "Stop Sharing" and click "Remove" in the confirmation window.

Deactivate a P Card User: 

When a card becomes inactive (for any reason, such as changing departments or termination of employment), you are responsible for noting this in the UWM Purchasing Card Records site. Do not delete folders or files for inactive cards or users. To deactivate a P Card User: 

  1. Note the user name as inactive: 
    1. In the UWM Purchasing Card Records site, navigate to the desired Division, Department and user name. 
    2. Note that the user account is inactive by changing the user name to the following convention: INACTIVE Last Name First Name Last 4 Digits  Example: INACTIVE STEINBERG WENDI 2222 
  2. Remove user access: 
    1. Right click on the folder and choose Details.
    2. In the pane that opens on the right, choose Manage access.
    3. Locate the user on the list and click the Can Edit button. From the menu, choose Stop Sharing.
    4. Close the sharing pane and the informational pane.


    Should you encounter issues with non-compliance on the part of P Card users. You have the option to take the credit card limit of non-compliant P Card user to $0. 

    Correcting P-Card Statements:

    If there is an error in a P-Card statement that needs to be corrected, contact https://uwm.edu/purchasing-payables/contact/ 

    KeywordsPurchasing Card, P Card, Sharepoint, Document Storage,   Doc ID84691
    OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
    Created2018-08-08 13:46:28Updated2023-07-13 13:41:44
    SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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