SSC Campus (Users) Mass Edit of Students

At the top of the Mass Tag Students is a list of already existing Tags. A tag can be selected and then student IDs entered one per line. Click Add Tags to mass assign the tab.

This feature gives you access to edit a number of students in a quick and efficient manner. Mass Edit of Students give you access to numerous settings that includes setting active users to inactive, assigning categories and setting weekly study hall requirements. The process works like this:

  1. Use the simple (or advanced) search to view a list of your students.
  2. Select your students.
  3. Perform some action upon the selected students by choosing a tab and completing the criteria.



The Status tab is used to set users Active/Inactive as well as Enabled/Disabled. Students can also be resent their account notification email.
Once the student(s) have been selected an action may be performed by choosing an option.
  • Active/Inactive: This option can activate, or inactivate, student user accounts. One great example for how this could be used is for student who graduated, you can mass inactivate your graduating class from appearing in searches.
  • Enabled/Disabled: Use this option to enable or disable students from being able to log into GradesFirst. In the example above, you can disable your graduating class from being able to access SSC Campus after a certain point in time.
  • Account Notification Email: If a user has never logged into SSC Campus, using this option they will receive an email notification with login instructions. Users who have already logged into SSC Campus will NOT receive a notification email even if they were selected in the above student grid. So it would be safe to resend an account notification email to all students without fear of bothering students who have already logged in at least one time.


99.9% of the time, a student's classification will be changed during the student import process. However, SSC Campus does have a way to mass change a student's classification.

Select, or check the box, of the students you wish to change their classification, choose a new classification (in this example Sophomore) and click Save. The classification will then be changed.


While students may be individually marked as at-risk by their advisor, they can also be marked as at-risk via the Mass Edit of Student option.

A great example is that users can use the advanced search to filter students with a low GPA and then mass assign them the at-risk status.

Assign to Someone

This feature is best used when assigning students to an Advisor, Tutor etc. This assignment creates a relationship between the student and the other user. 

Note: some imports will include a relationship placeholder to assign these relationships.

The more commonly used assignments are when assigning students to their Advisors, Tutors and Coaches. Assigned students will automatically appear on the users' (e.g. Advisors, Tutors, Coaches, etc...) Home page.


The category tab lets the user quickly remove, or add, students to a particular category.

To remove students from a category, the user can click on the advanced search to look for all students associated to a particular category. Choose whatever students that are necessary to remove. Then, select the correct Remove from... category and press Save. Assigning students to a category works similarly except the Add to... option is chosen instead.

Study Hall

This tab allows the mass assigning of a weekly study hall limit as well as charity time.


This is one way a user can mass assign a Tag to selected students. Not only can a tag be assigned via this method but tags can also be removed.

To add a tag, search for and select your students, click the Add Tag... option, enter the Tag (in this example it is Honors Club) and click Save. All selected students will now be assigned the Honor Club tab. The same process for removing a tab, except use the Remove tag... option.

Keywordsssc ,campus, users, mass, edit, of, students, status, classification, at-risk, assign to someone, category, study hall, tags   Doc ID56614
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2015-09-22 09:44:44Updated2023-07-13 15:38:57
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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