PantherList (How To) - Change the Name of a PantherList

At this time, owners cannot change the name of an existing PantherList.

List owners may, however, create a new PantherList with the desired name. 

  • Copy and paste your subscriber list to a local text file on your computer
  • Delete your existing list
  • Create a new list with a new name
  • Re-subscribe your subscriber list.


KeywordsPantherList, PantherList, pantherlist, panther list, name, name change, change name, troubleshooting, known issues   Doc ID46829
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2015-02-04 12:22:03Updated2023-07-13 15:39:18
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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