Microsoft 365 - What version of Microsoft 365 am I using?
This document describes how you can determine the version that you have installed on your computer. These instructions assume you already have an Outlook profile/account configured. If you do not have Outlook configured, you can substitute Outlook with any of the other Office applications in the steps below.
Important: To get the latest features/updates, it is recommended that you install the ProPlus/Office 365 Subscription version of Office/Outlook. The Professional Plus version is only receiving security and other necessary updates.
Select your operating system:
Windows OS
- Start Outlook.
- On the File menu, click Office Account.
- Under Product Information, you'll see the general version of Outlook installed on your computer.
This version was downloaded/installed from your Office 365 subscription - you must have
an active Office 365 ProPlus license/subscription to run this version.
4. For complete version, click About Outlook. A new window will appear. The top will display the build information and if the user is 32- or 64-bit.
5. Click left arrow to return to Outlook.
Mac OS
- Start Outlook.
- From the Outlook menu, select About Outlook.
- You will be presented with the 'about' screen:
This version was downloaded/installed from your Office 365
subscription - you must have an active Office 365 ProPlus
license/subscription to run this version.
This version was downloaded/installed from Campus Software
Library (CSL). You will not see license or device id information. - Click red X to return to Outlook.
Outlook on the web - browser
The Outlook on the web version can be found by looking at the source data.
- Log into Outlook on the web.
- Select the account you want to log into.
- Right-click in any space within your screen and select "View Page Source" or "View source" from the menu that appears.
- In the top section, you will see a line similar to:
In the example above, the Outlook on the web version is 16.817.13.1742256.<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="prem/16.817.13.1742256/resources/images/0/owa_browserpinnedtile.png"/>
- Click the "X" located in the top right corner of this box to close this window.