Microsoft 365 - What version of Microsoft 365 am I using?

This document describes how you can determine the version that you have installed on your computer. These instructions assume you already have an Outlook profile/account configured. If you do not have Outlook configured, you can substitute Outlook with any of the other Office applications in the steps below.

Important: To get the latest features/updates, it is recommended that you install the ProPlus/Office 365 Subscription version of Office/Outlook. The Professional Plus version is only receiving security and other necessary updates.

Select your operating system:

Windows OS

  1. Start Outlook.
  2. On the File menu, click Office Account.
  3. Under Product Information, you'll see the general version of Outlook installed on your computer.
Office Product InformationOffice Product Information

This version was downloaded/installed from your Office 365 subscription - you must have
an active Office 365 ProPlus license/subscription to run this version.
4. For complete version, click About Outlook. A new window will appear. The top will display the build information and if the user is 32- or 64-bit.

detailed version

5. Click left arrow to return to Outlook.

Mac OS

  1. Start Outlook.
  2. From the Outlook menu, select About Outlook.
  3. You will be presented with the 'about' screen:
    This version was downloaded/installed from your Office 365
    subscription - you must have an active Office 365 ProPlus
    license/subscription to run this version.
    This version was downloaded/installed from Campus Software
    Library (CSL). You will not see license or device id information.
  4. Click red X to return to Outlook.

Outlook on the web - browser

The Outlook on the web version can be found by looking at the source data.

  1. Log into Outlook on the web.
  2. Select the account you want to log into.
  3. Right-click in any space within your screen and select "View Page Source" or "View source" from the menu that appears.
  4. In the top section, you will see a line similar to:
    <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="prem/16.817.13.1742256/resources/images/0/owa_browserpinnedtile.png"/>
    In the example above, the Outlook on the web version is 16.817.13.1742256.
  5. Click the "X" located in the top right corner of this box to close this window.

microsoft, office365, o365, 2015, 2016, for, mac, windows, version, use, how, to, tell, user, about, information, web, app, owa, browser, firefox, internet explorer, ff, ie, chrome, mozilla, google, 
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