M365 Outlook Web App (How To) Open and Edit Shared Mailboxes

This article describes the process to open and edit shared mailboxes from the Outlook Web App. These steps will work regardless of which web browser you are using.

Opening a Shared Mailbox

Follow these steps to open a group account as a shared mailbox.

1. From the Outlook Web App, click your name/profile picture in the upper-right corner and select Open another mailbox...


2. In the Open another mailbox window, type the shared mailbox's full email address (i.e., mailbox@uwm.edu) and click Search Directory (if you've opened this mailbox before, the name should appear as you type).

3. Select the mailbox you wish to open from the menu.

4. Click Open and the shared mailbox will open in another browser tab.

5. View and send emails for your shared mailbox in the new tab.

Note: If the user does not have permission to access that mailbox they will receive two possible error messages:
  •  A blank screen with the words Bad request.
  •  An error message stating: You don't have permission to open this mailbox. (This may appear after the first error message if the user attempts to enter the mailbox again.)


Accessing and Editing Your Distribution Groups, Members and Owners

Accessing distribution groups has changed and is no longer accessible through Outlook on the Web's settings menu.

Accessing and Editing Distribution Groups

1. Navigate to this portal (https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com/?page=groups#/) and select Groups I own from the options at the top. 

Groups I own

2. From the list of Groups I own, select the associated group for the shared mailbox that you want to edit.  

Group selected with menu of options on the right
  • You can search for a group by typing all or part of its name in the text box, and then pressing Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac).

Search for a group

  • To clear the search results, select the X button to Clear text.

3. To change the shared mailbox’s owners and members, click Members from the menu at the top. 

Edit group owners and members

  • To manage group owners, click View all and manage owners.
  • To manage group members, click View all and manage members.

4. When you have finished making changes, click Save

Note: Group Owners must also be Group Members to be able to open the shared mailbox.

Note: All shared mailbox owners groups should have at least one owner who will be responsible for managing the mailbox ownership and membership. If your shared mailbox is without an active owner, please contact the UWM Help Desk via the Online Support Form, helpdesk@it.uwm.edu, or 414-229-4040 (or Toll-Free: 1-877-381-3459). 


KeywordsO365, Office 365, OotW, Outlook, Outlook user, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016, shared account, shared mailbox, mailbox, group account, group mailboxes, edit, group, members, add, remove, delete, owner, owners, adding group owners   Doc ID42061
OwnerHelp Desk K.GroupUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
Created2014-07-22 16:12:39Updated2024-07-02 11:43:38
SitesUW-Milwaukee Help Desk
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