Canvas - Extending or Adjusting Quiz and Assignment Dates for a Student
The article explains why someone might need to extend or adjust the times on a quiz. The article also provides links to resources on how to make these adjustments for different types of quizzes and assignments in Canvas.
Why would I extend and/or adjust the times in a quiz?
There are several reasons why someone would want to change the times on their quiz.
- Make an accommodation for a student by extending the time they must take the quiz.
- This accommodation is outlined in Faculty Notification Letter at the beginning of each semester and can be viewed at any time in PROFconnect.
- Provide grace to a student experiencing an emergency or technical issue that is preventing them from taking the quiz on the intended day or for the intended time.
- Quiz times may need to be adjusted for students who have been granted Extend Access to the course.
- When a student is allowed access to a course in Canvas past the course end date, the individual assignments and quizzes still need the times changed for students to complete them.