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Canvas Access - How Do I Add UW University For-Credit Students Into my Course?

Users across the Universities of Wisconsin can self-enroll into Canvas courses at any UW institution. For-credit courses can have enrollment updated by way of crosslisting across institutions. UW-Madison students can be invited.

Students From UW Institutes Except UW-Madison

Students from all UW universities except UW-Madison will enroll in their collaborative program courses at their respective institutions. These courses will be combined into a course offered by the host university offering and teaching the course. The entire student roster, as well as the instructor(s) of record, will transfer over to the new course.

If you are the instructor for a collaborative program course at UWM and need sections cross-listed, contact CETL for assistance.

Students from UW-Madison

Students from UW-Madison need to follow different instructions to obtain access courses offered by other UW universities. This process involves generating and distributing a secret self-enrollment URL. Any instructor with the role of Teacher in a collaborative program course can generate a secret URL for student self-enrollment. Instructors of collaborative programs will need an email list of UW-Madison students in order to email the self-enrollment URL.

NOTE: Self-enrollment URLs automatically add users in student roles. Any instructors from UW-Madison should be manually enrolled into the course with a Teacher role.

Generating the secret self-enrollment URL

Navigate to the Canvas course that the UW-Madison users need access to:

  1. In the course navigation, go to the "Settings" link.

    screen shot of settings link in a canvas course navigation

  2. At the top of the Settings page, click on the "Course Details" tab.

    screen shot of course details tab in the settings of a canvas course

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the course details page and click the "more options" link.

    screen shot of more options link in the course details tab of a canvas course

  4. Click the check box titled "Let students self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL."

    check box for let students self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL in the more options portion of the course details page in Canvas

  5. Once the self-enroll check box has been enabled, click the "Update Course Details" button at the bottom of the page.

    screen shot of the update course details button at the bottom of the course details page in a canvas course

  6. The page will refresh after clicking the update button and the Secret self-enrollment URL will appear.

    screen shot of the secret URL that appears after updating the course details in a canvas course

  7. Copy the secret URL and paste it in an email to the UW-Madison users who will need access to the course.

After enrollment 

Once UW-Madison users receive and click the secret self-enrollment link, they will be automatically added as a student into the course. UW-Madison students can login by visiting the UWM Canvas Continuing Education site. Click the "Login with your UWM or UW System login" link.

If you have questions, Contact the CETL Support Commons.

Keywordscanvas instructure uw system add self enroll user student guest instructor   Doc ID93956
OwnerBenjamin G.GroupCETL
Created2019-08-20 09:53:55Updated2024-10-02 12:53:28
SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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