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Canvas - Accessing a Canvas Account

This article explains how to access a Canvas account at UW-Milwaukee.

Canvas login

If you are a member of UWM who has not used Canvas yet, your account is automatically created when you login to Canvas for the first time. 

If you are already teaching a course or are enrolled in a course, your account has already been created.

  1. Go to the UWM Canvas homepage: UWM Canvas Homepage
  2. Select the "Log Into Canvas" button.
  3. Enter in a UWM ePanther ID and password.

Canvas course locations

Within Canvas, course can be found in two locations in the navigation panel.
  1. On the left side of the page, the navigation panel runs vertically.
  2. By default, when logging into Canvas, the first page that can be viewed is called "Dashboard".
    1. The Dashboard gives a tile visualization for each course the account is enrolled in.
  3. The second option for viewing courses in Canvas is called "Courses", which gives a list view of all the courses the account is enrolled in. 

KeywordsCanvas login account creation user courses   Doc ID87687
OwnerBenjamin G.GroupCETL
Created2018-11-12 12:58:34Updated2024-01-31 16:20:52
SitesUW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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